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De La Salle College

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I was there '62 to '67 and like you have mixed memories, some great times but some brutal as well.


I think most of the glowing reports are from people looking thro' rose tinted spectacles.


Brothers Ambrose, Sirenus, Victor and one or two more new how to wield a dreaded strap.

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My memory of the so called "Christian Brothers" is that they weren't brothers...

...And they certainly weren't Christians

I guess they were just rejects from society who found their niche in bullying young kids. Today they would be locked up in the special wings at Broadmoor and Rampton.


Bad people

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Originally posted by Bushbaby

My memory of the so called "Christian Brothers" is that they weren't brothers...

...And they certainly weren't Christians

I guess they were just rejects from society who found their niche in bullying young kids. Today they would be locked up in the special wings at Broadmoor and Rampton.


Bad people


I'm afraid you have the wrong end of the stick here.

The brothers at De La Salle were not the Christian Brothers they were the Brothers of St Jean Baptiste De La Salle.


Christian Brothers are an entirely different organisation and have had some problems with abuse, although you cannot judge thousands of men on the actions of a few.

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As a pupil at De La salle for 4 years, I know who I'm talking about,

Victor, Wilfred, Alpheus, Gabriel, Kevin etc. My reference to them being "Christian" brothers was generic, not specific.

I stand by my earlier point.

These were guys who hid from society because they couldn't get a girlfriend. Social inadequates with the freedom to bully kids. Most of them wouldn't have passed their teacher training had they not been members of a religious order.

I repeat...



Bad people



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  • 3 years later...
I was passed the address for this site - -


I don't have fond memories myself - - read it - - specially the "Memories" section.

I was there in the 50's - - can vividly remember a lot of the people mentioned Christian Brothers ? ? more like the Talibans.


This has given me a chance to apologise for the disappearance of the above De La Salle College (Sheffield) ex pupils website that I created and updated.


A real shame because there were almost 400 ex DLSC pupils registered.


Unfortunately because it was hosted by an ISP that required dialling in every so often to keep it active this led to me losing all the info and I hadn't taken regular back-ups.


Basically Freeserve were eventually taken over by Orange who deleted the website because I hadn't dialled in for a few months (I had other stuff to deal with that took my mind of this site).


I do have a very old back-up though which still has over 200 pupils on I think plus the interesting 'Memories' section so I may get that back online one day. If so I'll post in here.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi Valleyhill - wondered if you still had copes of the DLS College photos I found on your site some while ago but seem to have disappeared? As an ex-pupil (1959-65), the 1961 picture (taken on the football pitch) has me and some wonderful colleagues from 3N (or was it U4 by then...). Anyway, would welcome another copy, if possible. Many thanks.

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Hi I`m new today (site was recommended to me by Bushbaby). I attended De La Salle between 1967-72 and I have to say I hated it. I made some great friends who sadly I haven`t seen since I left in `72 but I really don`t have one good memory about the school itself.The only thing I enjoyed was playing for the school football team every Saturday at Beauchiff for 3 years until I had an altercation with a certain Sports master . As a matter of principle I wouldn`t play any more sports for the school until I left 2 years later.

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