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Ice Sheffield

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So the new ice rink is open. I am going with some friends on saturday night so I will let you know what it's like.


I'm starting to regret ever having sold my old ice skates! :lol: I've got a real obsession with ice skating again.

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I went recently to the Silver Blades (Not too skate of course, just to drop off my daughter) This place is a right dump now. Not like it was when I wera lad.


So this new facility is very welcome, it may also force the closure of the Silver Blades on Queens Rd.

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I'm going down there tonight! A load of Steelers fans will be down there if anyone's going look out for us!! I also doubt it will signal the closure of "Silver Blades" though. Fair enough, it needs more than a lick of paint I know but Queen's Road will still probably be used for the kids training. Also, from what I can gather from people who have been to see a Preview of Ice Sheffield... they promoted figure skating more than anything else!! And here we are with a top class hockey team!


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Absolutely fantastic!! It was chaotic when I went as it was the open night but it really is great. The layout's fabulous, the food's ok apparently and reasonably priced and the ice is so nice to skate on, much better than Queen's Road. To be honest, I can't see Queen's Road lasting much longer. Silver Blades was put there to keep the hockey 'groups' together. Now they've all moved to Ice Sheffield, Silver Blades will need to find some other hockey teams to keep itself alive.


Back to Ice Sheffield... it's easy to find, the skates are nice and new (if you haven't got your own.) Skates go up to a size 14, which could be a problem for the people with bigger feet. The price at Ice Sheff is about a pound or so higher than Queen's Road but the quality at Ice Sheffield is better. Plenty of on-ice stewards to deal with the odd muppet who tries to spoil it for others. They have also organised sessions that are specified at certain age groups like the 'Adult Learn to Skate' program and on Thursday night I think it's 18+ night. This is good as when it's all public session the little kids tend to get in your way (as well as showing you up when they skate better than you!!)


Overall I'm very impressed with the new place, the effort that has gone into the place is great. The foam balls, glitter balls, lights, TV screen, music. Should give the folk of Sheffield something to do of a day!

Get yourselves down and have a look, I gaurantee you'll be impressed!


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