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Ever heard of Springheel Jack?


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Anyone heard of the myth or legend of Spring Heeled Jack? Spring Heeled Jack, apparently a ghost like entity with the ability to jump tremendous distances in height and length. Some said he wore a black cloak, some said he had horns like the devil...


anyone got any other myths legends of Sheffield & Yorkshire?

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Actually Spring heeled Jack was in Sheffield lin the 19th Century i believe, could be wrong though and he was known to spring out on unsuspecting folk before disapearing round the grave stones.

It happened in the church grounds next to the old Jessops hospital though many people believe this was a prankster who for some unknown reason just liked to scare people in the early hours.

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I know of the Spring Heeled Jack. Made various appearances round the British Isles.

Canne think of anything specific about our area right now, but then I am still waking up from a hard night on Age of Mythology :D :shock:


Moon Maiden

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I've got two.


1) The Drummer Boy who supposedly haunts the Herdings Park field.


2) The 3 Sisters. There were 3 tower blocks at Herdings (now only 2) and it's said that three sisters (triplets) lived in the flats (1 in each at the top). On the same evening, they were murdered and there bodies placed in a bag and dragged down the stairs (from the 12th floor to the bottom). They supposedly haunt the remaining two blocks, and that one night each year blood stains appear on the stairs of each block.

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Anyone remember the Spiderman around 1980.

He used to scale multi storey flats climbing on the outside and burgling the tennants, even on the top floors.

I actually knew who he was as he lived on the floor below me and his daring escapades stopped when he fell from a roof just 20 feet high and was killed.

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Originally posted by "DaBouncer"


I've got two.


1) The Drummer Boy who supposedly haunts the Herdings Park field.


2) The 3 Sisters. There were 3 tower blocks at Herdings (now only 2) and it's said that three sisters (triplets) lived in the flats (1 in each at the top). On the same evening, they were murdered and there bodies placed in a bag and dragged down the stairs (from the 12th floor to the bottom). They supposedly haunt the remaining two blocks, and that one night each year blood stains appear on the stairs of each block.

Which night we talking about DaBouncer? Yup sounds good to me The Cycleracer i might have to look into this :wink: Thank guys
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