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This is exactly why irresponsible owners shouldn't own staffys.


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I have just had a phone call at work from my mum saying that the staffy around the corner has just completely ripped my neighbours cat to bits.


Apparently the sons which are about 10 years and 12 years old were walking down the street with their staffy and saw the cat across the road in it's garden. They went over to the house, opened the gates and let the staffy off the lead to attack the cat.


I have seen them with the staffy a few times and they can never control it properly.


Sadly the cat has died due to the brainless morons.


Toby were about 16 years old and has always been around since me being a young child, it will be strange not seeing him sat next to the car.


What kind of parents would even let their young children be in control of such a dangerous dog? I just don't understand what would be going through their head to let the children go out with it alone.


Todays society is an absolute joke!

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Awww how sad. The problem with dogs (and not just staffies) is that they can just flip like that, especially when they haven't been socialised around other animals and people. Regardless of whether the dog was a staff or a flippin poodle the boys' parents should have been certain they could manage the dog fully before letting them take it out.

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The police can't do anything apparently. There were no witnesses other than the children and the cats owners.


Sorry to say but the children are just plain evil. As a kid I could never imagine letting my dog off it's lead to go and attack anything!

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The police can't do anything apparently. There were no witnesses other than the children and the cats owners.


Sorry to say but the children are just plain evil. As a kid I could never imagine letting my dog off it's lead to go and attack anything!


but if it was done deliberately..... ah - call the RSPCA for cruelty to animals.


Poor cat. must have been a horrible way to die. Poor owners too.

Nasty little *******, some kids are.

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I worry about the children's mental state to be honest. It's not normal for children to enjoy watching something like that. Children who engage in such behaviour need to be brought to the attention of social services or some such, they clearly need mental help before their attention moves to other children.


It's just absolutely disgusting, I feel awful for the cats owners.

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