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Does anyone in Hillsborough remember Walter?

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Walter i think was a long term patient at Middlewood hospital and used to roam around Wadsley, Wisewood and Hillsborough & Langsett back in the late 70's and 80's.

He used to give all the kids sweets and toys such as conkers on strings and he even gave me a gold fish in a bag that he won at the fair!

I saw him last year sat at Hillsborough corner and he's hasn't really changed that much.

I just wondered if anyone knew his story?

A guy like that today would be viewed with great suspicion but he was harmless and good natured, just a bit retarded thats all.

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I remember him!!! Still see him sometimes in Hillsbro sat on the traffic islands near Chatanoga!

He always used to give kids conkers and paper airolplanes! Another thing was he'd always go in the pub and say stuff like 'Its my birthday today, Ilike cigars' Or 'Its my bithday today, I like lemonade!' just so people would get hima free drink and stuff, bless him!

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I remember Walter well, I used to work in the Wadsley Jack and he used to come in every thursday for his free feed...


He also used to pass us strings of conkers and newspaper hats/boats etc through the railing of Marlclife school when I was a lad.


LOCAL LEGEND. Up there with David Hirst in my opinion!

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I remember him well, back in the late 50s early 60s he would wander around Hillsborough park and like the others have said he would give all the kids conkers. He was a lovely harmless man who today would be hounded.

When i was about 18 he used to go in the betting shop at the top of Leppings lane and he would a shilling or sixpence on every horse in a race and then shout that he had won. I guess he must be mid 60s now or even a bit older. Totally harmless and nice chap.

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Ahh bless...i'd forgotten all about walter, yes as a kid living on winn gardens at the time we used to run after him for the sweets/conkers and remember him with a big brown bag full of, well, sweets and conkers i suppose.....Glad to hear he's still alive and well. Does anyone know where he would be living now that there is no hospital???jus wondered where all of the patients ended up? I can remember sitting on the bus at the middlewood terminus dreading any of the patients sitting next to me as they often got on by themselves, i think that they had quite alot of freedom back then.

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He was in the Free Masons Arms in Hillsboro' on Sunday afternoon. Sat on a settee with what looked like a glass of either water or lemonade.:)

I saw him there too bless him, he goes in most Sundays for a snooze I think. It was a bit too busy for his nap last Sunday with the Owls being at home :)

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awwww i rememeber Walter - he was lovely, used to give us sweets and conkers and things on the way to school (Marlcliffe). i see him now and again but he has recently been going to the Park Hotel pub in Hillsborough. he is such a lovely old man! X

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