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Yet Another Woodseats Meet - due to popular demand


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Ok. Ok. Calm down everyone! Stop sending the PM's. Stop asking me on msn. STOP! Looks like it's high time for another Woodseats Meet.


As a few noses were put out of joint due to the late scheduling of the Sheaf View Meet a few weeks ago I have been under some considerable pressure to arrange another WM.


Despite the fact that I am an international jestsetter, single mum of two and full time worker, not to mention the owner of two active dogs, one vocally active lovebird and a flooded cellar, it seems the task has once again fallen to me.


As I am considerably busy through December pursuing my jet-setting lifestyle I think that for me personally (and after all, when it boils down to it, that's really all that matters) the best time is January. All in favour raise your hands and say 'aye'.


The actual date and time will be decided in due course so moderators do not need to feel that (and will get their hands slapped if they do) they need to change the title of MY thread.




So - who's up for beer and skittles in Windy Woodseats?:D

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It appears that my local Weatherspoons may be turfing the local drunk and debauched crowd onto the hallowed pavements of Chesterfield Rd as late as 1am. Do not quote me on this however.


I do feel a 'Research Project' into this matter may warrant organising though.


Maybe one Friday night in december I may wander down there to find out for myself. Purely in the name of research you understand...:hihi:

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i Lurrrrvvve the Woodseats Hotel and go there on Sunday afts to the Jamming sessions.


Some stuffy Forummers might not turn up to the WH due to the music levels (they like to talk you know) but i will try and persuade them that we can pop in there for at least one or two!!


Are you the DJ or management??


PS - that woman makes a mean meat and tatty pie!! :clap::thumbsup::D

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Just a customer,never made it to the jam sessions(due to 4 kids wanting a sunday dinner) but there every sunday night and most wednesdays,dont manage fri/sat very often due to work but its a good crowd in there.Not seen any trouble in there myself,thats how I like it.

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