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Working from home in Sheffield


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Hello everyone,


I live in the Nether Edge area of Sheffield and I am looking for work that I can do from home. I have looked in Sheffield Star and written to all people who advertise and its all Kleeneze.


Does anyone know of any companies who offer a work from home job ? I don't really consider walking around sheffield delivering catalogues working from home :loopy:


Any info would be greatly appreciated.



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There used to be a section in Exchange and Mart that listed business opportunities and some of those were for home working.


Most of the genuine offers will be like this, I expect, though you might find the odd bit of administration work, such as word processing or IT work.


I think one of the problems with homeworking is that a lot of companies will only allow someone to do that once they've built up a trust in you - in many cases it tends to be long established employees who can start doing their own paperwork at home rather than working from home full time.


The best home job I ever saw was a company who wanted people to scour teletext all day and copy the ads for holidays ready for inclusion on a website. It was paying about 8/hr, but that was back in around 1996 - would be a nice way to spend an evening otherwise filled with mindless TV though :)





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I know some people who may have some work going. Have you got any b2b sales history? Or any IT work history?


Im dont have any business to business sales experience but I have loads of IT experience. One thing I have been doing from home is building PCs for my friends and doing repairs. I also have some web site development and programming skills, as well as the usual stuff like word and excel. I also have alot of customer service skills.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I work from home in Sheffield and I can definitely give you some guidance - my own website is http://www.real-work-from-home.co.uk but I can give you general guidance since I've been successfully building a business from home for the last 2 years.


Have a look at the site for my contact details - give me a call and I can give you some pointers.





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Gee thanks for that useful link Vanblast... I'd be looking for someone successful to copy though... it's amazing how inventive people get when they're looking for something or someone else to blame for their failure.


There are only three reasons I know of for failing in Herbalife

1) Not enough Desire to improve your situation...

2) Not able to put your ego to one side long enough to learn from successful people...

3) Crap work habits and not enough of 1 or 2 to change them.


Sorry if that's too real or too honest for you but I'm aiming to cut the hype and help people who want a chance to work from home in Sheffield.


You can help a thousand people but you can't carry three on your back.


p.s. here are a few people we have personally helped at






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When oh when will Pyramid schemes be banned? Seriously it's clear that they prey on the less educated who cannot afford to feed the few people at the top who will ever make any money. The success 'alert_bri' is talking about is conning people into believing the business is sustainable long enough for him to make enough money before the Pyramid collapses. If that is success to you, being dishonest (i presume you understand the maths behind these schemes?) conning people out of their money with false claims of profit. If you actually believe the videos you have been shown and the Herbalife mantra then i apologise you are just a victim, please read the links below and look more closely in to what you have been told. If not, SHAME on you, i hope you can sleep at night, your no more than a con man. Feeding people false dreams. Get a real job and stop trying to get rich quick from other more ignorant people than you.


There are enough stupid people out their to feed these get rich quick schemes. But don't you realise it's normally people who can ill afford it? People who may have families, children, the world is full of people who have fallen for these schemes and are too embarrassed to admit it. Yeah i am sure the case studies of people earning loads of money are true, but how many people are loosing money and feeding up the pyramid to make them that money?


Of course this is TWICE as bad, not only are they ripping people off (as they have done in the US for years) but they are doing it with a product that not only does not work, but is bad for your health. The product will be banned before long, so i advise you not to waste you money on ANY get rich scheme. The best one i have ever heard of was simple, put an add in the paper saying 'Get rich quick send $5 for info leaflet' when you send in your money the leaflet just says 'Put an add in the paper asking for £5 for a leaflet that will help you get rich quick'. At least that was MORE honest than what the pyramid marketers like Herbalife are doing, and less dangerous. Rather than get angry about high taxation, why not come down on the people who are taxing the stupid.


Here are some other 'testimonials' about Herbalife -

"My husband and I spent over $8,000.00 in this business through inventory, promotions, "trainings," travel, and marketing. We blame ourselves for our ignorance, but feel that it was the obligation of Herbalife International and our upline support, to inform us of all the costs. That means the marketing costs, and before having us sign on the bottom line."






There may be some justice (and irony) that this man who conned so many people died of an overdose of anti-depressants. I hope that was his conscience catching up with him.

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Originally posted by back2basics

The best one i have ever heard of was simple, put an add in the paper saying 'Get rich quick send $5 for info leaflet' when you send in your money the leaflet just says 'Put an add in the paper asking for £5 for a leaflet that will help you get rich quick'. At least that was MORE honest than what the pyramid marketers like Herbalife are doing, and less dangerous.


Hey, you've just sunk my home business!


The great thing about that scheme is that it works, and it is not a con of any description whatsoever! And you don't have to pay a fiver for the info now B2B has spilled the beans.

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