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Zorbing or sphereing

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has anyone been sphereing or knows of a place where this is done in south yorkshire. i know theres one in leeds.


aslo apart from euphoria and exhilaration are there any negative feelings afterwards. i love the idea of it but im a bit concerned of nausea and dizziness..




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Not quite Sheffield but Nottingham (and many other places). My fellas parents did it a couple of months ago and they said that the only thing other than the nausea etc you mentioned was that you could feel all the mud and stones under your head when you rolled over them! They also said that it was quite expensive for something that lasts less than a minute but said they wouldn't have liked it to be any longer.

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I tried it (not in SY). It was okay, but I don't think it's worth a special trip or indeed paying more than a fiver. It was very much like being spun around inside a large plastic ball for 30 seconds and then getting out. No dizziness, no euphoria, no big deal.

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