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Fireworks fired at motorists and cyclists on Abbeydale Rd


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The police had to provide protection for certain workmen in this area all day today. I'm guessing it will be the same tomorrow. You don't have to believe me, feel free to go along and ask them why the presence. :)
Protection? Or did the workmen have a load of doughnuts going spare?
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The police had to provide protection for certain workmen in this area all day today. I'm guessing it will be the same tomorrow. You don't have to believe me, feel free to go along and ask them why the presence. :)



I had to read that twice , what the hell is going on ?

Where was it mate , I live on Sheldon rd


---------- Post added 30-05-2014 at 12:37 ----------


I've been seeing these quad bikes lately ,to be fair they are a nuisance , they sound like dragsters but the main problem with them IMO is their total disregard for any other road user.


anyway think they've have obviously ruffled quite a few feathers




Saw them again yesterday , they both live on Machon Bank

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The police had to provide protection for certain workmen in this area all day today. I'm guessing it will be the same tomorrow. You don't have to believe me, feel free to go along and ask them why the presence. :)


apart from the fact that your post barely makes sense, please clarify where workmen required police protection and why. like all parts of all places, we have 'workmen' they come here and do things and fix things (and stuff)I've never seen 'workmen' being protected by police cos they don't need to be.

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Originally Posted by megalithic viewpost.gif

The police had to provide protection for certain workmen in this area all day today. I'm guessing it will be the same tomorrow. You don't have to believe me, feel free to go along and ask them why the presence. :)


apart from the fact that your post barely makes sense, please clarify where workmen required police protection and why. like all parts of all places, we have 'workmen' they come here and do things and fix things (and stuff)I've never seen 'workmen' being protected by police cos they don't need to be.


I fail to see how you can say megalithic's post does not make sense.


It seems quite straight forward. It appears thet you attack his post to decry it, do you do so because you don't like the message?

Attempting to bully people will not change the facts.


There are asian youths in the area in question whose conduct is such that not only have the police been pressured into taking action but people going about their daily lives and work feel they are under threat from said asian youths.


Are we perhaps to take it that you do not approve of people being unreasonably subjected to fear in this situation?


If you doubt the accuracy of his post then why not do as he says and go and see for yourself before making a comment.


I do agree with you on one point though I have never seen policemen protecting workmen because they don't need to be.

I have only seen policemen protecting people when their superiors consider there to be a credible threat or when they think it is good public relations.

Which is apparently what is happening in abbeydale and nether edge at the moment.



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The police had to provide protection for certain workmen in this area all day today. I'm guessing it will be the same tomorrow. You don't have to believe me, feel free to go along and ask them why the presence. :)


Where exactly?

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  • 2 months later...

I have not seen any police presence in the area and the notorious gang of twits are still causing trouble. Weirdly they seem to be walking round with rocks in their hand and throwing them at anyone they don't like the look of.


I spoke to my friend's father about this and he shed some light on why this particular gang seem to hate white people. He explained that when their grandparents first came to the UK from Pakistan they were all extremely shocked to be greeted with a lot of hostility and racism. They thought British people would be happy they'd arrived to help in the factories but instead they were forced to create their own Pakistani communities because the British people refused to form friendships with them.


Inevitably, the uneducated and small minded started to despise and hate the equally small minded, racist, British people. This deep rooted mutual hate grew through the generations and we now have a number of racist Pakistanis who despise white people because their parents and parents parents ingrained it into them. It is exactly the same as the racist white people who instilled their same vile values into their children and bred racist offspring.


My thoughts are- what can we do to stop this? How can we make it clear that we don't hate them or look down on them (the hate- filled gang) because they're Pakistani. We hate them because they're little twits that make life unbearable sometimes. When I've had a stressful day at work and just want to come home and have them pushing me or throwing stuff it is just so frustrating. And such a shame. I really love it here apart from that but I can't even enjoy my pretty garden when it is warm because they're always hanging around, throwing stuff over the fence and generally trying to upset anyone. They just seem to be filled with so much hate and it is so upsetting to see that in teenage children.

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I have not seen any police presence in the area and the notorious gang of twits are still causing trouble. Weirdly they seem to be walking round with rocks in their hand and throwing them at anyone they don't like the look of.


I spoke to my friend's father about this and he shed some light on why this particular gang seem to hate white people. He explained that when their grandparents first came to the UK from Pakistan they were all extremely shocked to be greeted with a lot of hostility and racism. They thought British people would be happy they'd arrived to help in the factories but instead they were forced to create their own Pakistani communities because the British people refused to form friendships with them.


Inevitably, the uneducated and small minded started to despise and hate the equally small minded, racist, British people. This deep rooted mutual hate grew through the generations and we now have a number of racist Pakistanis who despise white people because their parents and parents parents ingrained it into them. It is exactly the same as the racist white people who instilled their same vile values into their children and bred racist offspring.


My thoughts are- what can we do to stop this? How can we make it clear that we don't hate them or look down on them (the hate- filled gang) because they're Pakistani. We hate them because they're little twits that make life unbearable sometimes. When I've had a stressful day at work and just want to come home and have them pushing me or throwing stuff it is just so frustrating. And such a shame. I really love it here apart from that but I can't even enjoy my pretty garden when it is warm because they're always hanging around, throwing stuff over the fence and generally trying to upset anyone. They just seem to be filled with so much hate and it is so upsetting to see that in teenage children.


An extremely sad but erudite observation on the problems afflicting Nether Edge.


I have to say I agree with much of what you say, but I would disagree with the hostility being harvested through the generations. I lived in Nether Edge in the early 80's, the grandparents you speak of were the parents then, they remain disciplined, proud individuals very happy to describe themselves as British citizens. Mr Shah who owns the ethnic grocer on Abbeydale Road being a good example of this.


Their grandchildren are dis-enfranchised (as black youth was in the 70's), they resent the historical treatment of their parents and grand parents and equally they're disconnected from the indigenous culture of Asia, so they seek common affiliation amongst each other.


In all areas of major cities you'll find a hard core of anti-social youth, the young white (and black), working class also feel disengaged from the communities they come from and the wider circle they should feel part of.

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An extremely sad but erudite observation on the problems afflicting Nether Edge.


I have to say I agree with much of what you say, but I would disagree with the hostility being harvested through the generations. I lived in Nether Edge in the early 80's, the grandparents you speak of were the parents then, they remain disciplined, proud individuals very happy to describe themselves as British citizens. Mr Shah who owns the ethnic grocer on Abbeydale Road being a good example of this.


Their grandchildren are dis-enfranchised (as black youth was in the 70's), they resent the historical treatment of their parents and grand parents and equally they're disconnected from the indigenous culture of Asia, so they seek common affiliation amongst each other.


In all areas of major cities you'll find a hard core of anti-social youth, the young white (and black), working class also feel disengaged from the communities they come from and the wider circle they should feel part of.


I completely agree with what you wrote and I am 100% sure that if I lived in a predominantly white area that I would have the exact same issues with local little twits (white ones). But other than the small minority I love this community and the beautiful mixture of races, people, sub-cultures, etc. it's infinitely interesting!


I just feel really sad for them and kind of wish I could do something. Sometimes, like today, when I watch the news and still see ethnic minorities being slaughtered purely because they are not white, I, in turn, end up hating 'white people' ..and can feel some empathy and understanding towards the frustration and pain they must be experiencing.


I guess until all humans are all treated equally this issue won't go away.

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