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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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I'm not trying to persuade anyone to vote UKIP so I don't need to sell their policies. I've made posts not to try and win support for UKIP but to try and give people who aren't inclined to vote UKIP some insight into what makes people vote for them and what might make them stop voting for them. You'd think it would be welcome insight but far from being welcomed I get attacked for it!


It is like on The Apprentice when contestants ignore market research that tells them the product isn't liked because they disagree with the reasons given for not liking it! Sorry but it doesn't work like that. The reasons people vote for UKIP are the reasons they vote for UKIP whether you agree or not. And the things that will make UKIP voters go back to the main parties are the things that will make them go back... not what you want them to be! It is a waste of time trying to blame the customer for their choices. You need to listen to the market research and change the offering.


The extreme right always prosper in economic crisis mainly because they offer answers, not the correct answers of course, ones that focus on hate, fear and blame on vulnerable poor people such as migrant workers and cripples claiming benefits whom are used as scapegoats.


When the real enemy is British born bankers who have gambled recklessly with money that was never theirs, and big corporations like Vodaphone whom have avoided paying £24 billion pounds in corporation tax since 2010.


What people need to realize is that this is how Hitler came to power, the natives of Germany were struggling like lots of people now in the UK, and this gave Hitler the opportunity to find a common enemy and promote their hate filled propaganda.

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That's just it UKIP aren't the extreme right, they would say they are neither left nor right. They don't blame immigrants either, that's just labour/tory smears, they say they are for immigration but controlled immigration (is that wrong?) I suppose people are just fed up of the same old with UK politics. We've been used to Labour & the Tories getting it wrong again & again so why not give them a chance? Do we really want Labour wrecking the economy again lets face it Miliband & Balls didn't fare very well in Browns government did they?

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The extreme right always prosper in economic crisis mainly because they offer answers, not the correct answers of course, ones that focus on hate, fear and blame on vulnerable poor people such as migrant workers and cripples claiming benefits whom are used as scapegoats.


When the real enemy is British born bankers who have gambled recklessly with money that was never theirs, and big corporations like Vodaphone whom have avoided paying £24 billion pounds in corporation tax since 2010.


What people need to realize is that this is how Hitler came to power, the natives of Germany were struggling like lots of people now in the UK, and this gave Hitler the opportunity to find a common enemy and promote their hate filled propaganda.

Wasted argument with Zamo and a few others on here, Sam.


It's been made time and again, and in typical fashion has been brushed over/ignored (mostly) or upended on the fallacious pretence that there is no segregation or xenophobia underlying UKIP's rhetoric, so how could they push the uninformed gradually towards more and more nationalism and isolationism?

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That's just it UKIP aren't the extreme right, they would say they are neither left nor right. They don't blame immigrants either, that's just labour/tory smears, they say they are for immigration but controlled immigration (is that wrong?)


So who is blaming immigrants for taking our jobs,being after your job,causing a housing crisis,causing an NHS crisis,pushing up food,energy,house,rent prices,moving next door to you,talking in a foreign language on trains,causing wages to go down,wiping out British culture,changing neighourhoods,causing a crime wave............who is doing that?

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That's just it UKIP aren't the extreme right, they would say they are neither left nor right. They don't blame immigrants either, that's just labour/tory smears, they say they are for immigration but controlled immigration (is that wrong?) I suppose people are just fed up of the same old with UK politics. We've been used to Labour & the Tories getting it wrong again & again so why not give them a chance? Do we really want Labour wrecking the economy again lets face it Miliband & Balls didn't fare very well in Browns government did they?


If you look at the UKIP's aspirations they would be to the right of the Tories. Low taxes, small government, more private businesses running our services, benefit reduction, socially conservative and a hankering for a yesteryear.


OK, admittedly UKIP are no BNP far right party, but they are defiantly a right wing party to the right of the tories.

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Of course we all know that the people who are really to blame are the Politicians. As for UKIP Farage would say


"We have long said that Ukip is neither on the Left nor on the Right, but at the centre of public debate – rather than at the centre of the discourse that exists in the Westminster bubble"


Maybe this is why Farage has aligned himself with Beppe Grillos party

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Of course we all know that the people who are really to blame are the Politicians. As for UKIP Farage would say


"We have long said that Ukip is neither on the Left nor on the Right, but at the centre of public debate – rather than at the centre of the discourse that exists in the Westminster bubble"


Maybe this is why Farage has aligned himself with Beppe Grillos party


Every party with political aspirations wants to claim the middle ground, it's where the votes are. Should we judge UKIP by what Farage says they are, rather then judging them by their actions though?

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UKIP come second in newark.....so it looks like that place is leaning further to the right....wonder if its got anything to do with too many european scroungers flooding in...


Was watching one of the cop programmes on TV a few months ago and Boston in Lincolnshire, not a million miles from Newark have had an explosion in crime with the Eastern European scroungers . muggings, thefts, the old cash point scanner trick and more.

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The extreme right always prosper in economic crisis mainly because they offer answers, not the correct answers of course, ones that focus on hate, fear and blame on vulnerable poor people such as migrant workers and cripples claiming benefits whom are used as scapegoats.


When the real enemy is British born bankers who have gambled recklessly with money that was never theirs, and big corporations like Vodaphone whom have avoided paying £24 billion pounds in corporation tax since 2010.


What people need to realize is that this is how Hitler came to power, the natives of Germany were struggling like lots of people now in the UK, and this gave Hitler the opportunity to find a common enemy and promote their hate filled propaganda.


There you go again with silly arguments saying peoples views are extremist and akin to the Naizis! As said... you simple make them more annoyed and push them further to the right if anything. Completely self-defeating.


Answer me this please.


In what way is it extremist for people to want the EU to not dicitate non-trade laws? Laws like human rights that are stopping us deporting foreign criminals because of their right to a family life. Is there really a risk we will decend into facism if we set our own laws as we have done throughout most of history?


And in what way is it extreme for people to want selective immigration at nation level? It is apparent OK to have it at EU level. It is OK for non-EU nations to do it. Why is it extreme if Britons ask for it?


Wasted argument with Zamo and a few others on here, Sam.


It's been made time and again, and in typical fashion has been brushed over/ignored (mostly) or upended on the fallacious pretence that there is no segregation or xenophobia underlying UKIP's rhetoric, so how could they push the uninformed gradually towards more and more nationalism and isolationism?


Yep, they are the same old fail tacic I keep talking about. Tell people their concerns are uninformed, xenophobic and imply they are one goose-step away from nazidom. You have to dismiss their concerns because to acknowledge them inevitably means a compromise is required... and people like you want it all your own way.


Unfortunately for you and others, the recent UKIP results mean opinions can no longer be ignored by the main parties (even the EU is waking up to the risk) if they want to contend for power. They know it and anyone with any political acuman and objectivity knows it. The compromises are coming providing people hold their nerve and keep their vote in the UKIP protest camp until the compromises come.

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