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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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OK the latest car accident in the Telegraph doesn`t involve a German car.....

Those two drivers actually killed someone. That driving was, literally, criminally bad, they`re in jail for 5 and 7 years, and rightly so.

The main point I`m making on this thread is "ordinary" motorists, driving just a bit too fast and just a bit too aggressively all the time, usually drive German cars.


An interesting side light to this is we all see appalling driving every now and again. Once I saw some that was so bad I actually reported it to the Police, but despite the fact there was two of us prepared to make a written statement and we`d got his car reg, they weren`t interested.

Then there`s that chap who actually films bad driving and posts it on his website, he`s thought of as public enemy number one by petrol heads.

It`s "war on the motorist".

But it`s all so different when someone actually kills someone.

Actually, driving wise, it isn`t.

Edited by Justin Smith
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Here`s another interesting sidelight.

Chris Huhne is accused of asking someone to take his speeding points.

I suspect most people are outraged at him trying to avoid punishment, but I`ll bet some petrolheads aren`t, they probably don`t blame him. After all "it`s only speeding" they`d say.

The thing is he already had 9 points on his licence, so, provably, he`s a bad driver. I`d say an unsafe driver, particularly as shortly after the alledged incident he was prosecuted for chatting on his mobile whilst driving.

As mentioned above, two imbecilic drivers racing kill someone and are, rightly, sent to jail amongst much moral indignation. I admit that kind of driving is probably rather worse than how Huhne drives, but, even without the "points saga" how come Huhne isn`t receiving any criticism for his bad and dangerous driving ?

Incidentally, does anyone know what sort of car Huhne was driving when he got caught (sorry, his wife got caught.........) speeding back in 2003 ?

Not now, these days he`s probably got a Prius to show off his environmental credentials, genuine or not.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love doing a bit of research, especially if it`s in a subject I`m interested in, or have an opinion on, which is most things.....

TV aerial tests, FM/DAB aerial tests and Aerial pole/mast tests being the best examples

Surely, I thought to myself, there`s got to be an easy way to check whether German cars are more likely to speed than others ?

Then, to mix my metaphors, like a bulb from the blue, it came to me*.

Both my wife and I drive at around 75mph (did, it`s 65 to 70 now......) on the motorway. Most speedos are a bit fast so that`s actually 70mph. Thus any cars overtaking us must be speeding. Simple. Count the numbers of German cars (defined as VW, Audi, Mercedes, BMW or Porsche) and non German cars [ = all the others] which we overtook, or which were breaking the speed limit by overtaking us.

Then compare the proportions of each.

Overall, for non German cars, about 50% more overtook us than we overtook.

For German cars it was a factor of 6, that`s SIX......

To put it another way, of the German cars we saw only 14% weren`t speeding, of the rest, it was 39%. And that`s a big big difference



* Over your comic head, think about it.......


(German overtook / overtaken + non German overtook / overtaken)


Saturday mid afternoon = 7 / 33 + 44 / 55

Monday mid morning = 8 / 11 + 32 / 22 (unusual statistics, it`s interesting to speculate why !)

Monday mid afternoon = 2 / 45 + 15 / 78

Saturday mid morning = 7 / 56 + 64 / 90


Overall = 24 / 145 + 155 / 245

Edited by Justin Smith
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Worst drivers for me are:

Small car drivers like 1.1 micra drivers who wear hats and drive at sub 20mph no matter the speed limit. I had the misfortune to follow one on the A57 right through to the M1 jk31. And yes even on the M1 he was doing the same speed. I'd like to have taken my chances with a tractor or two.


Executive style women in high power Audi cars, drive at 90mph no matter the speed limit, drive so close they hook on your tow bar and don't use any indication at all.


My biggest pain are people who fail to keep cars in a working state for the sake of other car uses. A golf mk5 gti today I followed from junction 34 M1 to Darnall with the brake lights on constant ?


Drivers at night with 1 headlight on , this maybe fine urban but not in the midsts of sherwood forest area where I drive.

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