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Sheffield Ghost Stories & Sightings

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...We do seek out and make faces though, do we all interpret the same face or does it differ from person to person?

Depends on the information in the image and the predisposition of the viewer. Objects, light and shadow can be arranged to form images that trigger similar perceptions in different people. More ambiguous stimuli might be perceived in a number of ways, according to the information presented to the viewer (viewers might make out a face, but the details in individual reports may differ unless or until someone points out 'consistent' features which then influence perception).


Face perception is rough and rapid by necessity, though. If, like our ancestors, you find yourself in a fight or flight situation, where survival might depend on spotting a camouflaged enemy, perception favours false positives: it's beneficial to perceive a face where none exists when the alternative (failing to make out the face-like pattern in the camouflage) might mean you end up as lunch.

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well I have had personal experience of being haunted, I am not delusional, nor are my children,


If you believe you've been haunted then yes, you are delusional. Just accept you have an overactive imagination and that attributing incidents that have a rational explanation to ghoulies and ghosties is a bit silly.

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When we were in our teens, me and a few of the other lads decided we'd impress some girls by going on a ghost hunt on the backedge at Foxhill complete with torches etc. Now, at the time there was a girl who was locally believed to be a witch - versed in the black arts that sort of thing. One of my mates had it on good authority that she'd done it with a dog. Anyways, we believed that she'd been practicing her black magic on the backedge and with this in mind, we set off with the girls in tow.


About 50 yards into the grassland, we came across what appeared to be an inverted crucifix, a sure sign of the girl's Satanism. Naturally, we screamed like pansies and legged it - leaving the girls trailing in our wake.


Once we'd recovered our breath (via mucho nervous laughter), we decided that we would go back to the site of the cross. When we got there, we discovered that the 'crucifix' was actually an upside down bird table!


The moral of the story is that if you go into a situation expecting to see something, one way or another, you will see something. Hence my skepticism of the whole 'ghost hunting' malarky.


(Although to this day, my mate still insists she done it with a labrador)

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Yeah, I agree with Annoni that if you go out and expect to see something, then its high probability that you will see something. Most of the time, its nothing there but the fear which is residing in you make you see something. You get scared from the shadow of a tree sometime :). Its funny. Yeah, but I remember that I had a terrible experience in Edinburgh. I was the one who never believe such things but now I do as I personally experience horrible stuff in Edinburgh. It was not me only who experienced but most of my friends too. So, it does exist too. But in most cases, stories are the result of exaggeration by people :)

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I have a wonderful Idea :). Why don't we, a couple of members interested in sharing the ghost stories (But please true :)) meet sometime and share horrible experiences :). It can be fun if we do bonefire and then discuss. It creates the environment to share such stuff :)

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If you believe you've been haunted then yes, you are delusional. Just accept you have an overactive imagination and that attributing incidents that have a rational explanation to ghoulies and ghosties is a bit silly.
OK all you doubters,friends would visit us and remark on atmospere, although I had not appraised therm of situation, we had an open fire and sussenly it would go low and room turn cold, people visiting remarked on this. O night my self and daughters had been visiting my mum, we came back and girls went upstairsto get ready for bed whilst I made snack, they were 16, 14,12 and 5 at the time.They called down and said for me to go upstairs, when I didthey were standing on the landig and said "mum theres an awful smell coming from your bedroom and a freezing cold patch near the door,they were not paniced nor scared, just puzzled.I told them to go get in bed and I would bring supper up.,but before any of us moved all 5 doors on the landing started to open and close.We waited to see what happened,all the doors just closed,I got supper and we all went to bed agreeing to discus it next morning.During the night there was a lot of noise,footsteps walking up and down in the loft,crashes downstairs,we eventually all spent the night in one room.I must emphasize that at no time did did any of us show panic or outright fear,we were more annoyed at not being able to sleep than anything.The next morning we found nothing disturbed except heads broken off Cappo De Monte figures lined up above a radiator, bread scattered around etc.we had 3 ghosts in that house,it was investigated later and written up.One ghost or spirit,whatever just used to stand behind one of us and sigh,this happened one day when I was alone, Ijust said God bless you, go back where you came from and she left. So the conclusion reached by most of you is that myself,daughters,friends and priest are all delusional,well you should have lived through the 5yrs this went on, maybe you might change you minds
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