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Absolute scum and a joke of a non-sentence

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Goodness knows how many more thefts she committed.

And the pain and inconvenience caused buy her acts (believe me) are hard to fathom unless you come back to your locker and find someone has broken in and your wallet & keys are gone!!


Time like these, the Saudi punishment for theft seems appropriate, not this joke of a suspended sentence!!

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Goodness knows how many more thefts she committed.

And the pain and inconvenience caused buy her acts (believe me) are hard to fathom unless you come back to your locker and find someone has broken in and your wallet & keys are gone!!


Time like these, the Saudi punishment for theft seems appropriate, not this joke of a suspended sentence!!


This is appealing. And just re-enforces my view that the sentencing in this country is an absolutely joke. Ah didums she had drugs and alcohol problems. When will people ever take responsibility for their actions if we hand out these pathetic sentences.

Edited by woodmally
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I often think the judges that hand out lenient sentences have not personally been on the receiving end of such crimes.


I feel sure that real sentences to fit the crimes would be a vote winner. It’s Amazing why none of the parties don’t jump on the idea.

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I often think the judges that hand out lenient sentences have not personally been on the receiving end of such crimes.


I feel sure that real sentences to fit the crimes would be a vote winner. It’s Amazing why none of the parties don’t jump on the idea.


Ah welcome to my moral dilema. Yes parties do have these views. UKIP for one is the sort of party that would. However what you find is most of the parties that have these views are of the right of British Politics. Many parties I couldnt stomach voting for have these views but also have a lot of other views I find unpalatable.


Labour would never support it as they are always on the side of the criminal and the druggie.

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I often think the judges that hand out lenient sentences have not personally been on the receiving end of such crimes.


I feel sure that real sentences to fit the crimes would be a vote winner. It’s Amazing why none of the parties don’t jump on the idea.


The trouble is that when the public are faced with the reality of how much it'll cost to put all these extra people into jail, public support quickly dries up!

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The trouble is that when the public are faced with the reality of how much it'll cost to put all these extra people into jail, public support quickly dries up!


I don’t think jail time is the solution to the problem. Some offenders may mend their ways, but it is not a deterrent for many.

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They didn't let her off, they banned her from leisure centers.. Poor woman, she's only got 125 previous offenses.. well, recorded offences! I wonder how many reported thefts there have been from lockers.


I believe you can ask for any case to be referred if you think the sentence inappropriate.

Edited by neeeeeeeeeek
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