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Sheffield Gang Wars

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I don't know much but I think the two main gangs involved were the Moony gang and the Garvin gang.

A special group of police was formed to sort them all out, they were all the biggest hardest cops available.

They didn't mess around and were not restricted in how much violence they could use. They soon had the gangs sorted out.

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I did read one of those books once, but it was a long time ago. I got it from the library.


It all started when the gangs used to gamble on a game where they throw stones against a wall (nearest the wall type game I guess) They used to play this on Wybourn overlooking the city. The main players all used to live around Lady's Bridge (Start of Wicker)where there was loads of slums Can not remember much more.


Facinating book you should get it.

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Originally posted by "tinajones"


you can buy books on sheff gang wars from the star shop on york street in town.


Yes, I have seen that book it's £7.99 and I am thinking of purchasing. I just wanted a bit of background knowledge.

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It was before my time, but as a young boy I was told by my family that during the Mooney and Garvin gang period no one dare leave their home after dark for fear of being attacked and robbed ( whats new?)


I believe the Government brought in a Scottish inspector (Shillito ) to deal with the situation and he put Policemen on the beat in pairs and raided the homes of known offenders until the gang's were broken.


This I believe, was the period between the wars when unemployment was rife and people were on a starvation level, having to face the board of guardians if they were destitute and made to feel like scroungers to get a few shillings.


The Tory government said the country couldn't afford to pay unemployment benefit then when the war started they were spending a million pounds a day on fighting it.

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The Tory government said the country couldn't afford to pay unemployment benefit then when the war started they were spending a million pounds a day on fighting it


No change there then!

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, sorry for the late reply, but I only just discovered this site.

A really good book on The Sheffield Gang Wars is of that name, by JP Bean. We've had a copy for years, but thats because its got my grand-dad in it, who was involved (bad lad). :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a writer currently working on a play for the Crucible Theatre, based loosely on the Sheffield Gang Wars.


My play deals with the Fowler Brothers, who were part of Sam Garvin's Park Brigade mob, and sentenced to death for the murder of ex-serviceman William Francis Plommer on Princess Street. The murder took place on the night following Sheff Utd's victory over Cardiff in the 1925 FA Cup final.


Whether the Fowlers were guilty, or just scapegoats, is still debateable.


Does anyone have any - or knows of any stories about that time -not just the Gang Wars, but ordinary life in the slums back then?

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