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What is Aetheism 2.0?

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I know I've linked to this already in the [science VS Religion] thread


(which I guess is running to a rather messy end - and yes I have been unintentionally partially responsible for that, sorry!)


... but it didn't attract much comment and I personally think it deserves some attention.


Take a look - what do you think?



Q. Is there any mileage in looking for the common ground in the evolving values of aetheists and the evolving values of non-fundamentalist religions, or is it the case that logic and reason will always be incompatible with faith?


If you like, think of this as the Science AND Religion thread ...

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I haven't watched all the video yet but it's sounding pretty much like how most atheists behave already. Of course atheists can recognise some good in religion, just not much. To suggest we needed religion and a god to come up with those things is however, nonsense.


The good parts of religious morality are the bits I agree with naturally. Things like being kind to your fellow man, forgiveness and treating others as you wish them to treat you. All these things are essentially human nature. Had they not been, we wouldn't have made it far enough as a species to even be contemplating a creator.


Off to watch more.

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I agree with Tony, I haven't watched it all either but from what I saw, atheism 2.0 just seems to be how most atheists I know already are. I don't think this guy's come up with anything new here at all, I think he just doesn't understand what atheism is.


His description of atheists:


"And for the last decade or so, it's been quite clear what being an atheist means. There have been some very vocal atheists who've pointed out, not just that religion is wrong, but that it's ridiculous. These people, many of whom have lived in North Oxford, have argued -they've argued that believing in God is akin to believing in fairies and essentially that the whole thing is a childish game. Now I think it's too easy. I think it's too easy to dismiss the whole of religion that way. And it's as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. And what I'd like to inaugurate today is a new way of being an atheist -if you like, a new version of atheism we could call Atheism 2.0."


This man is clearly a turnip. He has mistaken antitheism for atheism. Not only that, he seems to think that agreeing with the good bits of religion is a new concept, whereas most would just consider it common sense.

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And for anyone looking for a deeper exploration of the concept, try Anathem by Neal Stephenson. If you liked The Baroque Cycle which covered "the death of God", then I think you'll like this.


If you've not read Neal Stephenson before, then what are you doing wasting your eyes on doggerel and verbiage like this?

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RB - You may be comfortable with your aetheism, values and place in society, but what of the next generation?


As the influence of religion gets ever smaller, is there not a danger that we abandon our children to an amoral future with little attempt at moral guidance?


PS I'm sure the speaker understands the distinction between aetheism and antitheism, but that's a bit tangential to the point he's making.

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Hmm, watch the video. It's less than 20 minutes of your life.


It's fun, I like it.


But then I quite like Alain de Bottom as well - he's got an endearing forehead.


He might be a very nice guy, but my opinion on his recent arguments is more in line with P Z Myers than yourself:






Atheism is just "lack of belief in gods" and, perhaps in response to Alain de Bottom, the comedian Bill Maher nails it here:



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And for anyone looking for a deeper exploration of the concept, try Anathem by Neal Stephenson. If you liked The Baroque Cycle which covered "the death of God", then I think you'll like this.


Can't say I've heard of either - c'mon Google ... The Baroque Cycle? three volumes containing 8 books? That's a lot of lunch hours!


Anathem - "a page turner and a philosophical argument, an adventure novel and an extended existential meditation, a physics lesson, sermon and ripping good yarn" ... yeah, I'll give that a try

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Atheism is just "lack of belief in gods"



Is that "Atheism" or

New Atheism?


Did you watch Bottom's short lecture yet? Or perhaps I should be asking whether there's any point in you watching it in the future now that you have already decided the matter for yourself?


You've got a great reality tunnel, but it's not the only one - try something else out for even just a short while - it's not just fun, but educational too!



FairDooz - Read anything you can by Stephenson, it's all good but Cryptonomicon, The Baroque Cycle & Anathem are leagues above his best SF, and his best SF is leagues above most and equal of the best there is.


Really, I don't want to gush, but if you get the chance...


I have a copy of Anathem for you for free if you want.

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