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Pyebank School, Pitsmoor


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Our son went to pye bank infants, in the mid 1980's.


At that time we lived opposite the woodside community centre, on Andover Drive, across from the school. (yes, cycleracer, our proprty was on Andover Drive, too! 1984/5 onwards))


It was excellent, our lad only had to roll out of bed, and he was at school! ( LOL )


Back then there was a nice scence of community around there. it was okay, generally. (only the odd pockets of trouble, even in those days)


It was a huge shock the other day, when My OH drove us to a friends house, off verdon street. We could see across to the site of the maisonettes on Gray Street, Andover Street and Andover drive. It was all demolished!


I havent seen the pitsmoor road/pye bank road side of woodside estate, are they demolished, too? I remember they were cleared, not too long after they had been refurbished, just like the kelvin, and norfolk park. they had recieved new cladding on the exteriors and new windows, etc. Typical council wastes of money!


It was also peculiar to see my friends' house. he has a smart new property on a small road off the spital hill side of verdon st, and I remember the maisonettes there, too.... it's all change!



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Pitsmoor Road / Pyebank Rd is now almost gone, see my thread Pyebank is gone.


I left Andover Drive in 1976 so you arrived there in the start of the decline but it was a different place in the early days PT.


My best mate lived there at 29 until a couple of years ago, he had been in there since it was built.


I also went up there a couple of weeks ago and found Andover Drive was no more which inspired me to write the above thread but as luck would have it i filmed the whole area about 18 months ago which included the inside of my old home No67 and although the council came up to let me in and film it, it brought back a lot of memorys from my childhood being in the place i lived in from 1963 to 1976.

I went in my parents bedroom (now both gone) and my brothers bed room and my old bedroom, the same old banister at the top of the stairs i spent hours on playing at horses was still there.


I now have the film , and thank God i went to film it before it all disapeared.

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I am finding it incredibly wierd seeing so much of my childhood haunts, and places I have lived in as I have got older dissapearing:-

I lived on Andover drive, that's gone,

I lived on the bigest block of Hyde park, that's gone

beldon road tower block... gone

constable road ("Hemsworth County Primary") school... Flattened

the little old terraced house I lived in, just off london road:- demolished in 1979 and, 20 years on, replaced with new housing.

the area around the sheffield arena was terraced housing, where my mother's parents lived, and her grandparents on the next street. I remember that area so well. It feels really peculiar, to see the arena car park where my grandparents' and great grandparents' home used to be


We did not get close enough to the area of demolition at pitsmoor to see clearly, but it appeared that the old school building had boarded up windows. I would have thought that there would be enough children in the housing around (like the redeveloped Marcus drive), to have kept the school open.



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I agree, the old school is going to waste.

Pye Bank school was buillt in 1875 and had a total external sandblast in 1970.

I can't see them knocking this building down as it has stood the test of time through the old Pitsmoor before Woodside was built and has withstood the later area as well.

I would be gutted if this building went, maybe because it holds a lot of memorys for me.

I would be disapointed if the building was kept open and the internal updated, because it would loose its original charactor.

The toilets have gone at the back on the rec which were attached to the shool although they may have been a part of the rec and taken down when they altered it in the late 80s.

The Loco club was a packed haven were all the locals would meet for there Sat night out and during the 60s it got packed to the brim.

The smell of Mackison from the empty bottles in the yard would hit you when you walked past the club.

Woodside could be another good area if some thought went into it to make it a good local community area as it was but its a must to keep out un- desirables which as caused this decline in the first place.

The Council are there own worst enemies and they allowed the destruction of this once friendly area to go under and now they are counting the cost.

I would never live there again because the love of the area is now a memory but it could become another Woodside like its predicessor before it, just put in nice familys and monitor the people that live there but have a zero tolerance on drug users, prositutes and criminals and more importantly anti social neighbours.

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  • 8 months later...

my step mum used to be a dinner lady there about 10yrs ago (ish), she lived on pyebank road.

note to PT: I agree bout all the old haunts been pulled down, mine are also beldon road, lived on the 10th floor bout 8yrs ago

damn awful hike wen the lifts were O.O.O, and i'd jus dun all the shopping!!

that was b4 the concierge system, and broomhall, too thats all gone now, only thing left standing now is the infants/junior schools.

how sad i am now :cry:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started PyeBank Infants 1954 . I think I remember a Miss Temperton. I lived in a back to back on Brunswick Rd,nice place, toilets all in a row down the bottom of the shared yard. one or two of them had doors on, the rest had been stolen for firewood. Newspaper hung on a nail [unless somebody had nicked it.]

My playmates were Paul Webster,Kieth Hobson,Trevor Elliss and Christine Acus. My neighbour was called Mrs Nelson-she had a son called Billy.

My address was No 10, Court 4, Brunswick Rd



Happy Days.

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Hi. Nimrod I lived on Brunswick Rd. about that time I remember Christine Acus she had a brother called Brian. Do you remember anyone called John Boyle, Graham Earnshaw, Tony Bannister Tony Saunders John Earnshaw, Colin Saunders, Clifford Buck, Malcomn Buck, Dennis Buck, Mick Cashmore, Dave Cashmore, Peter Campbell, Dave Campbell, Jimmy Campbell, Mick Campbell and Richard Pascoe. Any of these names ring a bell? can you recall any more.

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