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I used to hate him but now..

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My twitter feed seems to be filled with people expressing their sudden love for Andy Murray now that he cried. I actually always quite liked him so this doesn't really apply to me but;


Is there anybody that you've dramatically changed your opinion of?


I could say Jamie Oliver because I always thought he was a complete pr**k but now I think he's sort of alright

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I think there are so many people who confuse shyness with coldness,i've always liked Andy Murray.The trouble with some people is that once they have made their mind up not to like someone they just won't budge.It applies in relationships in our personal lives,and i suppose we are all like it to some extent but some to a greater degree then others.

I've changed my mind about lots of people,but to hate someone for no reason is very immature.

You can't judge a book by the cover,and that doesn't just apply to looks.

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I think there are so many people who confuse shyness with coldness,i've always liked Andy Murray.The trouble with some people is that once they have made their mind up not to like someone they just won't budge.It applies in relationships in our personal lives,and i suppose we are all like it to some extent but some to a greater degree then others.

I've changed my mind about lots of people,but to hate someone for no reason is very immature.

You can't judge a book by the cover,and that doesn't just apply to looks.


I can see your point of view but its' not immature, its life I've started not to like people, got to know them & bingo best mates. It is a fact of life we won't all get on &, you will dislike someone more than another, but hate is easier to say hate.


But there are some people I do hate, don't ask me why, they just have that effect. I don't say hate someone at work or anything like that, but I hate liars, cheats, thieves & such

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I was listening to the radio the other day & there were a lot of English people calling in saying that they hoped Federer won as Murray was Scottish. Seemed pretty childish to me


Maybe they just fear another Scot who might stand up and make some speech to claim his success for Scotland as a snub to the much despised English - it wouldn't be the first time lets face it.


It's a shame but that's the way people are.

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I was listening to the radio the other day & there were a lot of English people calling in saying that they hoped Federer won as Murray was Scottish. Seemed pretty childish to me


I'm surprised they wanted either to win, English are well know for not likening anyone but themselves

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My twitter feed seems to be filled with people expressing their sudden love for Andy Murray now that he cried. I actually always quite liked him so this doesn't really apply to me but;


Is there anybody that you've dramatically changed your opinion of?


I could say Jamie Oliver because I always thought he was a complete pr**k but now I think he's sort of alright


Just that Simon T chap on Sheffield Forum.:hihi:

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