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Your taxes paid 889 landowners over a quarter of a million each!

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Six-figure subsidies meant to help struggling farmers are being paid out to some of Britain's richest landowners, BBC Panorama has found.


Recipients of the EU subsidy include the Queen and the Duke of Westminster.


The programme requested details of the number of landowners claiming a slice of the £3.5bn subsidy in the UK.


The EU's Agriculture Commissioner has called for a cap of about £250,000 for each farmer and measures to ensure that they are actively farming their land.


Privacy rules mean that the names of most recipients are not known, but anonymised details were given showing how many landowners across the UK received more than the cap proposed by Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Ciolos.


'Honest farmers suffer'

The data from England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland shows that 889 landowners received more than £250,000. Of those, 133 were given more than £500,000 and 47 of those were given more than £1m in subsidy.


In the UK, you don't have to produce food to qualify, just merely own land!


Although you can offset labour costs etc. from the previous year. Master is advantaged in this situation whilst slave must pay full income, consumption and effective taxes due. So our landlords, do have at least have an incentive to employ us in food production so that we may eat.


Yet land still remains idle, and people increasingly wish to farm, but they are unable to compete with the monopolies whom have no incentive to free up the idle land for agriculture!

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If homelessness and reliance on food handouts continue to increase then a return of the ideas of Gerrard Winstanley and the Diggers could be very useful and welcome.




It is happening!


I am proud to say I have a cupboard full of tatoes I have grown on the sly. I also know of more people who have been guerilla gardening and 'gleaning', some of them before harvest! (naughty naughty!)


I can also inform you a member on here no longer has the internet and has returned to the land, they seldom post now!


Change is coming. Hopefully for the good, I know we can produce more! And production is what matters!


Unemployed people using idle land for starters!

We need to end the monopolies. The unemployed should be free to produce for the greater good. Idle land is a social evil when men, women and children must live without adequate housing and food!

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