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What adverts make you not want to buy the product?

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I cannot stand those Halifax ads that have staff singing songs like 'I'll be there', like the company really gives a toss. :roll:

Given their links to the arms trade, being embroiled in mortgage fraud scandals and excessive risk taking leading upto the 2008 crash, I think the adverts should have the bank's directors singing 'we're a bunch of greedy bankers & we couldn't give a **** about you'.:rant:

Much more accurate.

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About 10 years ago, bisto changed their "family" to a clone of the blaires. The mum was a dead ringer for cherie who I cannot stand. Did not buy any until that advert finished.


Won't buy any product that's definately British but has a badly dubbed foreign advert. Can't think of any off hand but they are out there. Don't mind the foreign ad if the product is foreign though.

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To be honest, most of them. We very rarely watch live TV these days so we can fast forward through the ads when we watch a recording.


This exactly.


I haven't seen an advert for years.


Hoorah for Sky plus.

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