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New Bridge Gets Go-Ahead - Claywheels Lane

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But not all residents think its a good idea


Plans for a new bridge across the River Don which could help ease traffic congestions in north Sheffield have been given the go-ahead.


The plan for Beeley Wood Lane and Limestone Cottage Lane in the Claywheels Industrial estate, will see developers Menta build 36 units for business use and carparking, in a move they say will create 660 jobs. A bridge and adjoining footbridge would be built to Middlewood Road together with access improvements. Menta is applying for around £5 million worth of objective 1 funding to build the bridge,which would connect Middlewood road to communities in Hillsborough, Loxley and wisewood.


The site is currently almost impossible to access by public transport, cycling or walking. But Rosie Kenworth from Beeley wood lane near the proposed development told the planning board:


" If this bridge goes through our lives will change completely. 60% of the traffic will pass in front of our houses. We are concerned about jams and noise and pollution. This could be good for the upper don but we don't believe we have been consulted about this scheme. There was a public consultation exercise and we weren't even invited."


Cllr John Hesketh expressed concern that if planning permission were given the applicants could build business units but not the bridge. Cllrs granted outline approval for the scheme but ask that the developers set up a working group involving the residents.


The Hillsborough & District Journal - 27/4/06

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from Beeley wood lane "There was a public consultation exercise and we weren't even invited."


Not exactly true :( I did my bit!


"No plans online, but... there is a public consultation tonight, and the local area E guys are holding a meeting about it on thursday. They will be showing everyone the plans there"


The public consultation and presentation by UDR is in the pavilion this evening 6.30-8.30.


Area panel will have the presentation on Thursday. Directions to the building can be found by going here pavilion and clicking on 'How to Get Here'

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I was at the meeting but haven't seen the journal article. However, it appears that what was said at the meeting has been paraphrased somewhat ... not suprising as the paper can't even get the name of the speaker or the road right! :rolleyes:


But as I have mentioned before, none of the Beeley Wood Road residents knew about the development until after the public consultation meetings were done and dusted... that much is true. I didn't even know about the forum until after the developers told me that *they* had advertised the meetings on sheffield forum, at which point I made it my business to join and try to catch up on the threads as often as possible (not very often - my job gets in the way a bit! :) )

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As the debate about the redevelopment of Clay Wheels Lane / Ucar site seems set to continue, I would like to make a few things clearer for people,as there seems to be some confusion over who knew what ! and when !


I would like to point out first that I do not work for the council or any the companies involved, I am employed by a charitable community enterprise as a development worker in the area, I do loads of volutary work with groups in the area s5/6, I've also lived in and around s6 for more years than I care to count.


A very long time ago Menta, the company who are trying to bring new investment to the area,whilst redeveloping various sites along the Upper Don Valley, held a public meeting at Marlcliffe Primary school, this was possibly in Sept 04.

The event was held at 6.30 ish and was advertised by our local Area Panel (council) via posters and leaflets left at public venues.

On the night only a handful of the audience were local,however the advertising was widespread as residents came from Shirecliffe and outlying areas to listen to a different presentation on transport,the majority of people were coucillors or workers.


Menta subsequently held two further public meetings 2005 in The Pavilion, a Family Centre, located at Winn Gardens, this site was chosen as Wadsley Park has no venue, the same being said for the areas off Halifax road and it is on the road to Stocksbridge, making it a fair journey for everyone.


At the first meeting I and others complained that we had not been given enough notice about the meetings and that people had not received invites.

Mentas publicity agent explained that they had asked the council how to go about doing this and that the Council had responded by saying they would undertake the task themselves.

A member of the Area Panel then explained they had posted invitation cards randomly to Two Hundred local homes and bussiness.

I explained that people wanted more than this but the second meeting was the next day so it was too late to dramatically change the out come, however Menta wrote, printed and distributed a further four hundred leaflets the next morning, both myself and a friend saw them being hand delivered so we know they did go out.


People from Stocksbridge, Deepcar, Wadsley Park and Shirecliffe were present at the meetings, the heads of both local primary schools were invited,although only Hillsboroughs attended.Two wildlife groups also attended,as well as a group voicing traffic issues.

The debates were realistic and covered a wide variety of topics relating to the proposals.


I would also like to point out that Menta has listened to what was said and have implemented changes one being the removal of a large a bridge.


I can have my own opinion and still see a bigger picture, alternative views are all welcome, together they can shape the future

A steering group is to be formed soon with voluntary local people and if anyone would like to involved I can pass details on .

Sorry if this is long and boring , but it may be of help to people and it is factual

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I have no criticism of anyone but Menta here - I'm sorry if it sounded otherwise. But it seems obvious that when their masterplan included demolition of 5 houses they should have made very sure they invited those residents to any consultation. Even though those plans have now changed - how much effort would it have taken to make sure the residents of Beeley Wood Road were specifically invited to discuss the 'beeley wood sustainable community'.


Menta claim to have driven up and down our road many many times when visiting the site - they could have saved the stamp and hand delivered leaflets ;)


I'm sorry if this sounds like a rant :rant: I'm not having a go at any one on the forum (or council etc) I just feel that menta have had a lot of good press but the real story is that some residents feel that they have not been consulted and strangely they are the residents who will have to deal with a500% increase in traffic past their front doors.

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If I were in your shoes I would feel aggrieved under those particular circumstances.

I didn't take any offence

It may be of help to you and anyone who has an interest in the "Upper Don Valley"regeneration, to know that there are consultation/information events being held on;

Friday 12th of May 11- 1pm at Morrisons in the foyer, with display boards etc

Friday the 12th 4 - 6pm at Parkwood school - Drop In consultation

again at Parkwood 6pm - 7.15pm Presentation, questions / answers


Then on Saturday the 13th of May at 9.30am - 1.30pm at Upperthorpe Healthy Living Centre - Drop In information session with questionaires.


It is called "THE Upper Don Valley Physical Regeneration Strataegy"

Again the council are promoting these events,there is a flyer doing the rounds but I don't know how many or where they have been sent


If you would like to be part of the steering group, please contact me

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