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Pregnant woman in racist gang attack gets let off

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I remember the howls of protest on here when the Somali girl gang was let off for attacking a white woman a bit back and some posters were claiming it was because they were ethnics that they were let off.

Well here's a surprise, this time it's a pregnant white woman attacking an ethnic caught on film and in front of her kids and she gets let off as well as her boyfriend and his friend who also joined in.

Link here= http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article4620123.ece

I saw this article on the day it came out but waited to see if any of the "justice seekers" howling about the injustice of the Somali girls let off would make a mention of this story.

In reality if its an ethnic getting away with something a big song and dance is made but when it's the other way round the silence is deafening.

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I remember the howls of protest on here when the Somali girl gang was let off for attacking a white women a bit back and some posters were claiming it was because they were ethnics that they were let off.

Well here's a surprise, this time it's a pregnant white women attacking an ethnic caught on film and in front of her kids and she gets let off as well as her boyfriend who also joined in.

Link here= http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article4620123.ece

I saw this article on the day it came out but waited to see if any of the "justice seekers" howling about the injustice of the Somali girls let off would make a mention of this story.

In reality if its an ethnic getting away with something a big song and dance is made but when it's the other way round the silence is deafening.


OK, but we're all "ethnics"

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Didn't the Somali women attack in a gang?


Your not comparing like with like.


This isn't a case of white/non-white. A man got beat by a woman on her own. Woman is always going to get let off. Unless perhaps she attacked in a gang.

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maybe the judge was evening up the score by letting her go free ?


You could be right there ricgem although I'm sure you know what point I'm making plus I'm hoping it will make people realise that it's not only non white people who get off with things as some people want us to believe.

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Didn't the Somali women attack in a gang?


Your not comparing like with like.


This isn't a case of white/non-white. A man got beat by a woman on her own. Woman is always going to get let off. Unless perhaps she attacked in a gang.


Read the link and you will see that her boyfriend jumped in as well as his mate so 3 people in total.

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I remember the howls of protest on here when the Somali girl gang was let off for attacking a white woman a bit back and some posters were claiming it was because they were ethnics that they were let off.

Well here's a surprise, this time it's a pregnant white woman attacking an ethnic caught on film and in front of her kids and she gets let off as well as her boyfriend who also joined in.

Link here= http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article4620123.ece

I saw this article on the day it came out but waited to see if any of the "justice seekers" howling about the injustice of the Somali girls let off would make a mention of this story.

In reality if its an ethnic getting away with something a big song and dance is made but when it's the other way round the silence is deafening.




The judge seems from your link to have noted that she's total scum, pointed out that being total scum will lead her kids down the same path but then not jailed her for the "sake of the kids"? What planet do these judges live on?

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