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Operation Vendetta- protest in London tonight.

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You forgot the poll.


What couldn't you give about idle tosspots in V masks wasting everyones time playing at being that guy from that movie?


A) A tinkers cuss

B) A tuppeny fart

C) A flying sexual act


Vote now!


Why would these people be censored in our own country and promoted in another?


All of our widely available main stream media censor news. Youtube remove videos on the behalf of our government. Even the Guardian censor the footage from by-elections!

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You forgot the poll.


What couldn't you give about idle tosspots in V masks wasting everyones time playing at being that guy from that movie?


A) A tinkers cuss

B) A tuppeny fart

C) A flying sexual act


Vote now!


:hihi: So many comedians on here.

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It was on R T earlier,if you want to know whats really going on you have to look at R T and Aljazera.


Thanks, I'd heard RT had mentioned it, got Aljazera on now.


I was watching it on a live stream earlier, the crowd exceeded my expectations.

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Thanks, I'd heard RT had mentioned it, got Aljazera on now.


I was watching it on a live stream earlier, the crowd exceeded my expectations.


More than twenty? What are they protesting about? In your own words please, I don't persue youtube links to nutjob sites.

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Are they wearing those funny masks ? I hope so as failure to do so would negate any political message they were trying to make. Hopefully organisers will have pollsters at the end of the march, checking marchers aren't swigging a Starbucks and have moved all monies to building societies, credit unions or at least the co-op or THEY'RE JUST WASTING EVERYBODY'S TIME.

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