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Whatever happened to

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...........the guy who got kidnapped outside Argos, tied up, forced to take drugs , mugged and then escaped and went home to his girlfriend (having called a taxi from a location he never knew how he got too)


Does anybody know?


And don't forget his kidnappers took him in a taxi to the place of holding him, Mulder & Scully are on the case

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I know a man who was 'kidnapped' from West Street, bundled in a white van and taken to a cash point, where he was forced to withdraw the full day allowance of £250 and then was dumped.


I was also a student with a very beautiful young woman who was standing at a bus stop in Broomhill talking on the phone, a white van pulled up, men jumped out and tried to bundle her in, about 11pm. She fought, kicked and got away, and her friend on the phone heard it all and ran to find her. Police said she shouldn't have been out on her own at 11pm.


I know of another young woman (I don't know her identity) who the same thing happened to, she was taken to a house and raped, before being 'dumped'


There was also a case in the news this year of a woman who was taken by force from West Street Live, no one noticed, and taken to a house and raped, before being 'dumped'.


On holiday, my friends and I irritated the waiter with a small tip, he followed us to a bar, bought my friend a 'cocktail', shortly after she could not move or function and showed all the symptoms of the date rape drug. Fortunately we were with her and looked after her.


A friend, 50 year old man, had his drink spiked with the date rape drug in the Forum, was bundled into a taxi and had his wallet and phone stolen. He was alert enough to force his way out of the taxi- he fell out onto the pavement, and fortunately the bouncer was alert enough to recognise something was wrong.


I know another date rape drug incident too. All known socially. All 'nice, hard working people' all normal in their social habits, not particularly outgoing or risk taking. All incidents happened either in Broomhill or West Street/Division Street.


**** happens, in Sheffield.

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Oh stuff happens in Sheffield for sure. But when you get mugged and mae to withdraw 300 quid from a cash machine, then you are taken on some escapade in a taxi (to the muggers home) and given free drugs all night, and manage to return home, unharmed, a bit tired but with all your stuff, someones dreaming!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Maybe, but often people just get on and make their way home. People have a homing instinct after an incident. Read accounts of women/men who have been raped or mugged in Sheffield or anywhere, they often end with 'and I flagged a cab and went home' or 'and I walked home and went to sleep/had my tea/had a shower or 'And then I caught the bus home'. People seem to do this first whatever happens. Sometimes calling the police that night, sometimes next day, some times never. Maybe his story wasn't true, but I know enough incidents socially in Sheffield to consider it may be true.

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