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Plane crash dreams - what do they mean?

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Hi gang,


Woke up this morning feeling quite disturbed... For the last two nights I've drempt of plane crashes.


On Sunday night I drempt that I was in a plane travelling over the sea, when the left engine failed and we plummeted into the water. I escaped down one of the inflatable shoots and helped other passengers get out, but some people died.


Then last night I drempt that I was watching a plane cross the sky, when the left engine (again) started making a funny noise, and sparks came from it. Then it caught fire and the plane exploded in mid-air. Obviously all the passengers were killed, and it fell onto some houses so I think people below were hurt too.


Feeling quite uneasy now... Does anyone know how to read dreams? Any idea what they mean?

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Hi gang,


Woke up this morning feeling quite disturbed... For the last two nights I've drempt of plane crashes.


On Sunday night I drempt that I was in a plane travelling over the sea, when the left engine failed and we plummeted into the water. I escaped down one of the inflatable shoots and helped other passengers get out, but some people died.


Then last night I drempt that I was watching a plane cross the sky, when the left engine (again) started making a funny noise, and sparks came from it. Then it caught fire and the plane exploded in mid-air. Obviously all the passengers were killed, and it fell onto some houses so I think people below were hurt too.


Feeling quite uneasy now... Does anyone know how to read dreams? Any idea what they mean?


I wouldn't bother getting some trendy nutter to interpret your dreams, you can do it yourself. They are only of any significance if you are about to fly in an aircraft in which case the meaning is that you are worried about the trip.


Aircraft rarely crash because of a single engine failure, this is why they have two or more. They also have fire extinguishers in the engines and are built (the big ones at least) so that an engine failure shouldn't cause a fire which leads to a breakup.


I would also suggest that you sned me your flight details so that I can make sure I am not on the same flight just in case you have the gift.

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"To dream that a plane crashes, suggests that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. Your goals may be too high and are impossible to realize. You are in danger of having it come crashing down. Alternatively, your lack of confidence, self-defeating attitude and self-doubt toward the goals you have set for yourself is represented by the crashing airplane; you do not believe in your ability to attain those goals. Loss of power and uncertainty in achieving your goals are also signified."

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