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Can anyone foster a german shepherd for a short while please


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Hi we are looking for someone who can foster a 4 year old, very well trained and fully house trained german shepherd - he is a big softie and in need of cuddles and play time - it will hopefully only for a few weeks - maybe a couple of months - we don't want to give him up completely because he is our lives and we love him more than anything - we have no children so he is like our child and we care for him so much - if anyone can or knows someone who would be willing can you please contact me - either reply to this - email me at julielouisebull@hotmail.com or telephone 01246 431453 / 07572582167 - thanks in advance

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Is he okay with kids, other dog and cat?


---------- Post added 05-01-2013 at 17:57 ----------


See my white GSD gets on with everyone including kids n cat. He's neutered and would love a companion am sure. Gsd's do not do well in kennels, so a fostering arrangement is the best. Also if he's to be fostered in a home with other dog, what foods he on? Would he get jealous around others? Anyway, any further info would help us to offer alto arrangements for him. As I think we all know how much this lovely dog means to you x

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Hi puddinburner - sorry not got back to you been busy packing and moving things - don't know if he would get jealous around others because he hasn't really socialised with dogs inside the house - only outside with his doggie friends - he does mean the world to us but have to find him somewhere by Tuesday morning so time is running out very fast - if you need any further information you can always give me a call on 01246 431453 or 07572582167

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Hi bullybull- have you contacted GSDR to talk to the area coordinator (Chesterfield is in Central, even though Sheffield is in Northern) to see if they can put you in touch with a suitable shepherd person?




I work with them sometimes but I'm unable to foster because my shep is scared of other dogs and I've got a whole selection of cats who expect to be held down and washed in bed by my dog.


I hope that someone can be found to take your lad in short term.

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If we could help find a place - would you be able to help by coming and walking some of the dogs we have in kennels? I can't promise anything - we are totally overloaded and we never ever board dogs- every kennel that we use is a kennel taken up that a dog will get put to sleep in the dog pound because it can't use - so it can't be for long term. A few weeks would be the maximum, even if we could do it.


Couldn't you find any boarding kennels that would do a reasonable rate?

Just trying to find a few thoughts for you as its so sad.


---------- Post added 08-01-2013 at 16:02 ----------


This boy is now in the care of Rain Rescue.


I couldn't bear to think of such a nice couple in such a bad situation, having to loose their dog and worrying what would happen to him. Its terrible that this should have to happen and if only the Lottery Funding would realise that pet rescue isn't just about rescuing pets - its also rescuing people too - maybe they would fund rescues to keep us open.


Hes arrived, still in a bit of shock but will settle soon I'm sure. Hopefully his mum and dad will be able to get themselves sorted soon so that he can go back home.


A foster home would still be great though to get him out of kennels - just the right foster home for this lovely boy.

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Hi Guys and thank you - only just been able to get back into my sheffield forum account - unfortunately no internet connection at home.


Would like to say a big massive thank you to Rains for taking Bono in - we are missing him so very much and I know that he is missing us too - we will be there on both Saturday and Sunday to see our boy and if possible Patrick will also come up when he can during the week.


We are trying our very best to find somewhere to live where we can take him back but if anyone could foster or if the worst comes to the worst can someone can adopt then we are still looking, as Rains said they can't take him long term and we don't know how long it is going to take to get a property suitable for bono to come and live with us again.


Also to all those out there - if you could also volunteer your dog walking skills even just for an hour a day they would be extremely grateful - thank you

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He is a pitiful boy in kennels Bullybull - often they will come round after a few days and start to relax and trust us. Most do but Bono isn't and our kennels are not stressful we have a couple of gsd's in that are merrily bouncing around telling him things are ok - but he's terrified and all shuck up.


He's quivering from head to toe - and won't go to the toilet. God what stress these go through - let alone the stress we go through too.


I so hope you can manage to get a house quickly to take him to - he is your baby and will probably struggle settling into any other home - some do easily - (most staffies its wherever i lay my hat) but gsd's love their mums and dads.


If anyone with gsd knowledge and a calm quiet house would foster this boy till mum and dad get themselves sorted it would be a blessing. He's a lovely boy but can only go to a knowledgeable home who will allow him to come round. Mum and dad will do all they can to get a place to take him back - but in the mean time if a good home came up - they would have to let him go.


Please ask around.

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Thanks MP, it is pitiful but no he wouldn't fit in with yours at all bless him. He loves his mum and dad and HATES kennels he is so scared and upset.


A lady is having him on trial over the next few days - fingers crossed it works out but if not - get thinking if you know someone who could look after him until they can take him home or he finds his forever home. He's just a lost soul and really should not be in kennels. It could kill a dog of this type of temperament.

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