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Car insurance up despite yet another year of NCB ? This is why..

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I got a quote for next years car insurance today. Rather naively I`d phoned up expecting my premium to go down because I`d got yet another year of No Claims Bonus.

How wrong I was, my premium went up by £75 !

WHY ! ! !

I`ll tell you why, scrounging fraudulent whiplash claimants working with "no win no fee" (and no conscience) lawyers, that`s why.

Between me and a friend of mine we`ve had three phony whiplash cases made against us in the last 20 years. All bumps were at less than 5mph ! This one was a side to side scratch (crash, or even bump, is altogether too strong a word for it) ! Look at the picture on the link, if that bleedin` scrounger got whiplash from that accident her neck must be so weak then should wear a neckbrace, and I mean all the time, including in bed.

But how many of us if we hear a friend or relative or work colleague is trying it on with a whiplash claim actually point out what they`re doing is wrong ?

Until more people tell these fraudulent scumbags they`re out of order it`ll just keep happening, and we`ll all keep paying out with higher insurance premiums.


Added 22 March 2013


I`ve just found out that woman, who, if you look at the pictures of the damage to her car, had no injury whatsoever, got paid out £5700. Now, let`s be honest, she stole that money off every person paying for insurance in this country. I`m so mad I could scream. Even if you`re not an idealist like me, and you think it fair enough for anyone to screw anyone else for anything they can get, if you pay for car insurance you should be seething, because you are paying that........

Edited by Justin Smith
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Well yes that is one reason. But another reason is that your insurance company is trying to pull a fast one. Get quotes from elsewhere and I promise you you will end up saving money. Ring the original company back with a lower quote and watch them drop their premium. Auto-renewal is the curse of the insurance company, don't do it!

Also I appreciate your username is Justin but that means nothing, are you female? If so you can thank the recent ruling that insurance conpanies discriminating against men is wrong so women will be paying more. This might also apply if your wife or OH is on the policy.

Edited by Kid Sampson
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Mine goes up every year I do not know how much I have paid in ins over the years I have been driving for a living since 1952 60 yrs and have never been without ins, and have never claimed , had a accident, or a speeding ticket,

I think me and there must be others like me could do with a better dealfrom these insurance co

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Well yes that is one reason. But another reason is that your insurance company is trying to pull a fast one. Get quotes from elsewhere and I promise you you will end up saving money. Ring the original company back with a lower quote and watch them drop their premium. Auto-renewal is the curse of the insurance company, don't do it!

Also I appreciate your username is Justin but that means nothing, are you female? If so you can thank the recent ruling that insurance conpanies discriminating against men is wrong so women will be paying more. This might also apply if your wife or OH is on the policy.


I have tried shopping around every other year in fact, but none of the others seem that much better, particularly as they generally have fewer benefits (like roadside recovery included). I ask the insurance company every year why my premium has gone up despite no claims and they just say it`s a general across the board increase and frequently mention whiplash claims and the like.

What really annoys me is insurance companies are so willing to pay out to whiplash scumbags to avoid risking an expensive legal battle, yet if you ever want to legitimately claim off them they`re tighter than a camel`s arse in a sandstorm. As an example, if you ever write off your car they`ll never pay what it`s actually worth......

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I have got 8yrs no claims and every year my insurance premium goes up by a little bit.

My insurance broker is also my personal friend and he doesn't put his commision on my premium either, I also got told that it was down to claim companies etc.

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