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Remember having your tonsils out in the 50s

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I had mine out when I was 17, that was 1960. It was in the Royal Infirmary, but I was in for 5 days. My first meal was salad :gag: you can guess how painful that was. There was a beauty queen in at the same time, she was pampered with ice-cream from home. I wonder I long she was before she could eat normal food, by the time I was out of hospital I was eating normally.

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Had mine out at the old Royal Infirmary - came out of hospital on my 5th birthday in 1958. Remember being the only child in a cot the rest of the ward were all adults and they seemed very old. One old woman shouted at me for crying during the night. Obviously a four year old shouldn't be scared to be in a strange place on her own. Parents weren't allowed to stay in those days.

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Mine were at the Informary too in about 1950-52 ( I was born 1944). I recall the operating room being quite small with the couch at the side of a window. On the window ledge was a large glass bottle with liquid in & what I assume were removed tonsils in it! I think I had a pad over my nose onto which they dropped anaesthetic.

I seem to remember I went in during the morning & after coming round from anaesthetic went to a large room where all the kids who had been operated on that day were. I think we had to wait a number of hours before we could have ice cream & go home


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Having being prone to tonsillitas for most of my growing up years, I was terrified of having to have my tonsils out. I used to pretend to my mother that I was ok and didn't have a sore throat at all. Then when I was 19, I had Quinseys and had to go in hospital. I was getting married that year as well so they decided my tonsils had to come out.

I had the op in the Royal Infirmary too and I can tell you, the actual operation and recovery was nothing compared to the Quinseys that I had been in for earlier.This was 1960/

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I had my tonsils and adenoids out at Shirle Hill in about 1965 and well remember the ice cream. They also did a sinus washout that didnt work and I was sent to the Royal Hospital on West Street for an operation. Dont think either are there now.

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I had mine out when I was 17, that was 1960. It was in the Royal Infirmary, but I was in for 5 days. My first meal was salad :gag: you can guess how painful that was. There was a beauty queen in at the same time, she was pampered with ice-cream from home. I wonder I long she was before she could eat normal food, by the time I was out of hospital I was eating normally.


Was it the delectable Delyse by any chance?

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Remember going to the old Royal Infirmary where we were operated on in batches and waking up on makeshift mattresses on the floor.The only upside was being spoiled with ice cream while your throat was still raw.
I had mine out in the childrens in about 1964 also had my adenoids done aswell i remember getting realy bad earache after for some reason.
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Was it the delectable Delyse by any chance?


This one was a blonde Jim. :)


---------- Post added 04-04-2013 at 13:41 ----------


Having being prone to tonsillitas for most of my growing up years, I was terrified of having to have my tonsils out. I used to pretend to my mother that I was ok and didn't have a sore throat at all. Then when I was 19, I had Quinseys and had to go in hospital. I was getting married that year as well so they decided my tonsils had to come out.

I had the op in the Royal Infirmary too and I can tell you, the actual operation and recovery was nothing compared to the Quinseys that I had been in for earlier.This was 1960/


Joan all my growing up years I had earache middle ear deafness, and septic tonsillitis. I was bedridden the first week with a temperature, I couldn't even eat. Our Dr would always give me a penicillin injection before my course of pills. He didn't believe in you having your tonsils out, so I went to a lady doctor. She sent me to a specialist when I was 14 and I was 3yrs on the list. I've never looked back, it was the best decision I ever made, I don't even get colds now. The sad thing is I missed a lot of school, and almost lost my job because of being continually sick. My doctor ( Dr Anderson) was old fashioned, didn't seem to think it mattered I missed my schooling, he used to make me stay off school 3 wks. Of course by the time I went back I was completely lost, and had to catch up. Of course by the time I did I was off sick again. :rolleyes:

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