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At what age did you leave home?

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Left home at 18 to come to Sheffield to study (born and raised in Liverpool). Stayed here from that point on. Have no intention of moving back there (hate Liverpool as a town - it is full of bad memories and sad losers), but miss my family a lot. Really glad I made the step to independence though, and would not move back to live with parents even if I liked Liverpool.

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Left home in Sheffield at 18..then went back.

Married at 19 and left again, living over the years in various places both in the UK and abroad.

Would I go back? to Sheffield......NO

To my parents.....I WISH........

They are both in Tinsley Park now:(

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I left the first time when I was 16 going on 17, came home at 18 and have lived at home ever since.


Hoping to move out to my own place during hopefully the next 2 years though, perhaps to a Council House... And no, living in Council property will NOT make me a Chav, so don't even start :mad:

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left home at 16.. dont think i could go back to my mums now.. just wouldnt feel right (plus i hate it when parents live with their parents and the grandparents end up looking after the baby all the time, just know it would be so easy just to let others take over if i went back)xxxx

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And no, living in Council property will NOT make me a Chav, so don't even start :mad:



Rich why have you got this thing about that peple goin to call you a chav if you live in a councill house i dont get it, ive not seen no one calling you one for ages now. i bet more then half of this forum live in council house.


Any how i was 15. i had to live in a hostle type place (not a childrens home) till i go to 16 then i never look back, not goin into detail why i left but it was nothing to do with my parents. I be 30 this year and still in council home and i like being able to live my life. I did not like it when i had to stop with parents one time when i was in hospital and i hated it. it was like been back at home. Just glad i got my own space as i like it that way.

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