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Feckless workers plunging their children into poverty.

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Children living below the poverty line are now twice as likely to come from working families struggling on low incomes and falling wages than those whose parents are unemployed, official figures have revealed.


The number of children growing up in absolute poverty in “breadline Britain” increased by 300,000 last year – an annual increase of 2 per cent, representing the biggest rise in two decades – according to official Department for Work and Pensions figures.


The rise means a total of 2.6 million children are now raised in poverty. After housing costs, the number is even higher, with 3.5 million in families whose incomes are significantly lower than the rest of the population.


Workers today are feckless.


Their children are being plunged into poverty. Workers have lost nearly all their rights, and their wages fall in real terms. Many do not even have job security.


As housing costs are engineered to increase above inflation by the state, workers have failed to keep up. They have not managed to secure pay rises above inflation to keep up with artificially high housing costs.


Nor have workers increased their hours to pay the land and money rentiers.


Quite frankly, workers today are a bit feckless. They do not stick together, they do not unionise. They do not fight for a fair share of the pie.


They foolishly attack unemployed workers (who would gladly take their jobs and work for less). They should be fighting for jobs for their fellow men.


The irony is, most of these workers, are not even debt incumbent mortgagees. They could strike, without fear of losing property rights (for they lack them in the first place).


Unless workers start working together and fighting for better wages (or alternatively, cheaper housing), then their children will continue to get poorer, and even more will get rickets (rickets and other types of disease are back and the frequency is increasing rapidly, as workers can't feed their children properly after paying to house them).


Older people have, you might say, had a good recession: A new analysis has revealed that the incomes of people in their 60s and 70s have continued to rise throughout the downturn.


But their grandchildren have been far less fortunate. Income among people in their 20s fell by 12 per cent between 2008 and 2012 - the largest fall of any age group.


The study, from the Institute for Fiscal Studies, found that average incomes fell between 2011–12, 5.8 per cent below their levels in 2009-10. The body’s David Phillips said the research showed that the “face of poverty” had become much younger.


“Whereas in the 1960s and early 1970s the poverty rate for pensioners was around six to eight times as high as for working-age adults without children, by 2011–12 the risks had near enough equalised. Indeed, once housing costs are accounted for, pensioners actually had a substantially lower risk of poverty,” he said.


Young workers (and their children) are now more likely to be in poverty than pensioners.


Unless they start fighting for better wages/cheaper houses, things can only get worse.


Not fighting for cheaper housing or better wages will plunge you into poverty. Fight for a better life, we all deserve a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. Hell we deserve a whole lot more. We are far more productive nowadays. We should be living far better than any previous generation.

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Workers today are feckless.


Their children are being plunged into poverty. Workers have lost nearly all their rights, and their wages fall in real terms. Many do not even have job security.


As housing costs are engineered to increase above inflation by the state, workers have failed to keep up. They have not managed to secure pay rises above inflation to keep up with artificially high housing costs.


Nor have workers increased their hours to pay the land and money rentiers.


Quite frankly, workers today are a bit feckless. They do not stick together, they do not unionise. They do not fight for a fair share of the pie.


They foolishly attack unemployed workers (who would gladly take their jobs and work for less). They should be fighting for jobs for their fellow men.


The irony is, most of these workers, are not even debt incumbent mortgagees. They could strike, without fear of losing property rights (for they lack them in the first place).


Unless workers start working together and fighting for better wages (or alternatively, cheaper housing), then their children will continue to get poorer, and even more will get rickets (rickets and other types of disease are back and the frequency is increasing rapidly, as workers can't feed their children properly after paying to house them).




Young workers (and their children) are now more likely to be in poverty than pensioners.


Unless they start fighting for better wages/cheaper houses, things can only get worse.


Not fighting for cheaper housing or better wages will plunge you into poverty. Fight for a better life, we all deserve a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. Hell we deserve a whole lot more. We are far more productive nowadays. We should be living far better than any previous generation.


i was nearly plunged into poverty yesterday...landlord has put beer up 5p a pint....thats another 40p a gallon...everybody out..

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The article is right. Workers on low incomes are seeing their children plunged in to poverty. With the spiralling costs of living and wage freezes, those who get 'just above' the cut off for working family tax credits, are worse off than those who don't work, as their children do not get free school meals, and they lose out on so many other benefits.


When the government said they were going to make sure people weren't better off not working I thought they were going to address this by helping those I've just mentioned. However, it seems what they meant was to give the unemployed more of a kicking while they are down. In the meantime the super rich are doing very nicely, thank you.

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The article is right. Workers on low incomes are seeing their children plunged in to poverty. With the spiralling costs of living and wage freezes, those who get 'just above' the cut off for working family tax credits, are worse off than those who don't work, as their children do not get free school meals, and they lose out on so many other benefits.


When the government said they were going to make sure people weren't better off not working I thought they were going to address this by helping those I've just mentioned. However, it seems what they meant was to give the unemployed more of a kicking while they are down. In the meantime the super rich are doing very nicely, thank you.


Including the chief exec of the state owned RBS who has been told to quit but at least the government has softened the blow of pending unemployment by giving him a little thank you of £1.6 million.

All just so the boys in Whitehall can have a yes man in charge when they sell of the bank.........surely not!

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At least they're maintaining they're dignity and pride by earning their money, whatever goes on the table they can proud and say they have worked for and earned it.


I know pride and dignity aren't much comfort if you really are "living in poverty", but that is a very loose term now relative to average income, nothing to do with having the necessities of life.

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I hate these "Heartstring" stories, they are just sensationalist BS. They always say children or animals, especially on those begging adverts on TV and it's done to raise income or persuade public opinion on political issues. I mean, are people blind to the real reasons behind these stories? People are so gullible.

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