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The return of Section 28

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Just noticed this article in one of todays newspapers:




Many academies championed by the last and present government are using "their new freedoms to pressure teachers to teach gay issues in a way that will discourage them from saying anything positive that could be construed as ‘promotion’.”


Do other forummers think that schools should be allowed to do this?


My own view is that some (not all) teachers used the fear of section 28 as an excuse not to challenge homophobia in schools, long after it had been repealed (although technically it never applied to schools anyway)

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Such policies will serve to further alienate young people who find themselves attracted to members of the same sex, at a time when they are extremely vulnerable and isolated. They also make homophobic bullying more likely. For these reasons, I feel such policies are wrong.

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What is it you want them to say about gay relationships? There doesn't seem much else to say other than the two people are the same sex, and they can't have babies. Covered in one sentence.


It's a bit more than that. It has to do with recognition and equality in society.

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Talking about something in a positive way and promoting it are two different things aren't they! I'm not sure I understand the problem even after reading the link.

No one is saying that it's wrong are they and they are willing to discuss homosexuality.


I have to say that I wouldn't fancy tackling an issue such as this at school level with having such a limited understanding as to what it must be like to feel as though the world is against you if you are homosexual.

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What is it you want them to say about gay relationships? There doesn't seem much else to say other than the two people are the same sex, and they can't have babies. Covered in one sentence.


I want schools to be proactive in challenging homophobia where ever it is found, and promote the esteem and confidence of gay boys and girls.


By the way gay people can and do have sex with members of the same gender and they are also able to have babies.

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I want schools to be proactive in challenging homophobia where ever it is found, and promote the esteem and confidence of gay boys and girls.


By the way gay people can and do have sex with members of the same gender and they are also able to have babies.


Sorry, can't make babies, with each other.

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But they can't make babies with each other, which is what I said.


And your point is?


Infertile hetrosexual couples can't have babies either- so what?


Given that the world is grossly overpopulated and there are millions of unwanted orphans awaiting adoption I'm failing to see any problem whatsoever in homosexual couples being unable to have children.

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