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Should teachers go on strike?

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Probably old news but teachers are planning to go on strike because they are no longer going to get an automatic pay rise.


Whilst I agree that they should get decent remuneration for what they do, I can see no reason why they should not paid according to their capabilities.


When I was in a permanent role, I had a salary review every year and both parties (myself and my boss) had to independantly prepare an appraisal on how I performed on a number of issues.

Any differences were discussed, in an amicable manner and, once we agreed on performance met, ratings were set for each aspect of that review.

From that overall rating, a salary increase was determined.


I can see no reason why salary increases cannot be related to performance performed.


If you do a good job, then you are rewarded.

If you do a bad job then why should you be paid?

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When have the teachers and their unions not been bleating and threatening to strike about one issue or another?


It's been constant for the last forty years that I can remember.


Maybe if a few of them had been employed in the real world, they would realise that their hours, pay, pension, holidays etc. all exceed what most working people can only dream of.

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