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Posting in the footie area - PLEASE READ


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A few tips for users in order to keep the footie area as trouble free as possible:



  • We have received a large number of reports about users posting derogatory nicknames for each other. Please do not refer to the Sheffield teams as: Blunts, Fowls, Pigs etc. All this does is to stir up ill feeling and it adds nothing to the discussions. Use of these names, or similar ones will lead to the suspension of accounts.
  • We would ask users to refrain from starting threads with the intention of getting a 'rise' out of the opposing team's supporters. These threads rapidly degenerate into bad tempers and cause rifts without adding anything to the forum. By all means discuss things related to either team, but there are ways of phrasing your posts which don't cause offence, so please think about this before posting a thread.
  • Please also note that while banter is welcomed, you shouldn't carry on a one to one conversation with another user in the middle of a thread. This should be done via private message. Equally, if you disagree with another user, then try and refrain from resorting to name calling or worse.
  • If there a user with whom you continually disagree then we strongly recommend the forum's ignore list at http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/prof...?do=ignorelist which will automatically hide their posts.
  • Above all else, remember that Sheffield Forum is a family friendly forum and if you wouldn't be happy with children reading what you're posting, exercise some restraint and don't post it!

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Due to the disproportionate amount of work generated by the football section and the increasing ill nature and general atmosphere of unregulated tribalism the future of this section is in some doubt.


Despite members being given short term suspensions the message does not seem to have got across therefore we have suspended a number of accounts so we can make sure that we have your full attention.


To make our position clear - we will no longer tolerate the continual windups and baiting of other members. Despite the perennial claims of this being 'banter' it goes far beyond mere banter.


We will make this very clear - the future of the section and its continued existence is in your hands. If you continue to abuse our rules then the likely outcome is that the section will be permanently suspended.



For those of you that feel it is appropriate to creat duplicate accounts to bypass this, we do notice and we have removed those accounts.

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