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Winn Gardens: What you don't hear in the media

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Dear Sheffielders


Winn Gardens, a community charged with anti social behaviour and multiple crimes of differing proportions yet again came under attack this week with the publication of the article Police raids net 11 on drug-blighted estate (18.7.06).


The saying “no news is good news”, springs to mind and very rarely do the residents of this area get a mention unless its to reinforce the stereotype inherited from the early 80’s that the estate is one filled with unemployed criminals dealing drugs to children. The readers of this article would have paid no attention to the detail that nobody had actually been charged.


The Winn community feel disappointed and angered at their constant labelling as an under class and feel that any problems they have are no greater than many other areas in the city. The majority of residents are a hardworking community minded people. In recent years this estate has turned itself around, it is the residents of this area who have assisted and sometimes led the improvements both environmentally and socially. Ten years ago it was home to a run down tower block, overgrown tennis courts and tatty play equipment, there was nothing for the young people to do nowhere to go and the park was a hot spot for people (not particularly residents) to dump stolen vehicles.


A lot has changed. The tower block has gone, in its place a green space which is favoured by young children to play on. The tennis courts have gone, replaced with a dynamic multi court which is always in use, so much so that people from outside the area drive to the park to use it. There is brand new under 5’s play area and a refurbished park for older children. It has been commented by the parks department that our playgrounds are some of the best cared for in Sheffield! The tenants association tackled the nuisance vehicles issue by erecting and paying for barriers along the perimeter of green space, which has eradicated the rogue car issue.


Ironic that only 5 days previous the star posted this headline: "How I turned my community around" - one womans story.


There is the resident led voluntary group (registered charity) Middlewood Winners Ltd, who after working for over 8 years now manage the pavilion. A derelict building they took the lease of, and found well over a million pounds to refurbish. The estate now has one of the most modern childcare facilities in the area (Little Winners Nursery), well used by residents and people from other areas of the city. The group provide advice; parent and toddler group; Junior Club for children of primary age; do health initiatives and activities; work with connexions to provide activities for young people and are hoping to start an over 50’s club. Not forgetting the Middlewood Festival which most definitely is a community venture, people from all walks of life in the area are helping out from aged 16 to 60.


Very few areas of the city have such places where your neighbours are indeed your friends, the statistics show that tenancies on here span three generations of the same family, this stands as testament to the feelings of the people who live here. They feel safe and know whether its a family emergency, help with the shopping or the loan of a cup of sugar there is always someone nearby only happy to lend a hand.


We are proud of our estate and its community, our achievements and successes far outweigh the attention given to the small amount of anti social activity which is no greater than other parts of the city. Please do not believe the hype and please look at the positives of this community.


Thank you for having an open mind. :)

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good for you!

its hard to keep up the positive attitude, when all around you are so quick to judge and point fingers.

we have the same problem on arbourthorne, and most of us who were trying to make a difference have now given up...

its just not worth it.


but good luck to you .... :)

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Dear Winn Garden Resident


I have read your post with interest. I first visited Winn Gardens during the local council elections in 2004. I was intrigued by the friendliness of the folk, whilst I went from door to door delivering election leaflets, though one lady made it perfectly clear to me that had I been delivering leaflets for any other political party, then my welcome might not have been that assured by her. :)


I have discovered that certain areas of the city tend to gain reputations, whatever their origins, and some become fixed in tablets of stone by at least one poster on this forum with whom I've crossed swords more than once. I do hope that this poster in particular reads your OP, as I feel it goes a long way to explaining that there is a community spirit in your neck of the woods, and long may it continue.


Sadly, sensational headlines are what sell newspapers. I've also discovered this, when an area dear to my heart - and only round the corner from where I live, has been described as a "bombshell site", and similar in a local newspaper. Well, the building works have now been completed, the contractors have moved off site, and the estate has a new and beautiful appearance - but that story, just like your story of Winn Gardens, doesn't sell newspapers, alas.


At least you've been able to tell your story on SF. And I, for one, am appreciative. Keep up the good work fox20thc. :thumbsup:






PS Although we've never met, I understand we have a mutual acquaintance in Simon N. I feel sure that he's another champion of Winn Gardens.

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Lazy reporters making a living from archived material and stereotype will always damage the good work of the good community minded people like yourselves.


The folk who matter most will see and feel the changes and benefits of your efforts so just don't give in.


I don't really know Winn Gardens or Arbouthorne much but i can sense the pride and hope amongst the frustration in your words, those of you community spirited people should be applauded for doing what the government and the council can't achive.

Don't give in, your attitude is inspirational.

Good luck:thumbsup:

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Thank you. I just want everyone to get a balanced view of the area, not just the occasional bad bit. :rolleyes:


Fyi - the article of the 13th "how I turned my community around" was about a winn resident.


* Red - yes Simon is a great champion of the estate and always willing to help out. :thumbsup:

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Having had the good fortune to have met fox and followed the progress of Middlewood Winners via the Forum, I'd like to add my voice to the support for Winn Gardens and all the postive steps the people there have made in changing their community for the better.

Any area of the City will have it's users of and dealers in drugs - it's lazy and cheap journalism to make a headline like the one fox mentions without referring to the fact that no charges have been brought. I've not been in the park and play areas recently but the improvements are plain to see, even passing by on the bus or by bicycle. Fox, I'm sure that you and the rest of the people at Winners and the nursery won't let this get you down for long - I hope I'll be there at the festival to tell you in person what a great job you're doing.

Long may your success continue and I hope it inspires others around the City to do likewise and work together to make positive changes in peoples lives and communities.

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Having had the good fortune to have met fox and followed the progress of Middlewood Winners via the Forum, I'd like to add my voice to the support for Winn Gardens and all the postive steps the people there have made in changing their community for the better.

Any area of the City will have it's users of and dealers in drugs - it's lazy and cheap journalism to make a headline like the one fox mentions without referring to the fact that no charges have been brought."


They did mention that, but thats not what people will take away from the article.


Long may your success continue and I hope it inspires others around the City to do likewise and work together to make positive changes in peoples lives and communities.


Thanks Halibut :)

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There's at least one Star Journo who is a forum member - maybe I should point them at you.


My own experience in the past is that the news and features parts of the Star don't speak to each other that much. Many years ago I had the pleasure of fielding questions form a Star journalist about a small bit of infighting in my Ward Labour Party, whilst watching the 1991 Gulf War being fought on TV. After that I felt that the Star isn't necessarily interested in news, just what sells papers. :)


Fox, you're doing a fine job!


Keep it up. Newspapers rarely report positive things; they don't sell papers, because a significant number of newspaper readers just like to wallow in the pit of society rather than rejoice in the good stuff.

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Thanks Joe. We have managed to get Penny from the star to come along on festival day but the amount of coverage it will get is your guess as good as mine.


I suppose that the main point of my post is, yes I have a big mouth and I speak on behalf of the residents but the opinions in the OP are those directly expressed to me by those people. They have asked me to write to the Star, which I have done however I didn't want it to go in the letters page as some rant :rolleyes: but I would love for our local papers to actually dig a little deeper and see what is really happening at grassroots level, not the titbits the police service have provided them with.


I am assuming (maybe wrongly) that alot of the information in the article was taken (however it reached them) from the winn community safety meeting and our local policing team who liaise with us regularly. Cllr MacDonald whom I have alot of time for is quoted in it as having spoken to the residents. He of the three cllrs in our ward is the least visible one. Alf and Janet are regularly on the estate but they didn't comment but have more hands on knowledge. Robert to my knowledge has only attended the CS meeting.

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