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Christians in Iraq told to convert to Islam or be killed!

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This is Tony Blair and George Ws legacy to the world.





The Islamic State group has threatened Christians in the Iraqi city of Mosul with death if they do not convert to Islam or pay a tax, Al Jazeera has learned.


The Sunni rebel group issued the orders in a letter after Friday prayers. The document, obtained by Al Jazeera, states that the order was issued after Christian leaders failed to attend a meeting called by the group.


In response, the group says in the letter that Christians must either convert to Islam, pay a tax on non-Muslims known as jiziya, or give up their posessions and leave the city. Failure to do so would result in a death penalty, "as a last resort".


Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, was overrun by the Islamic State group and allied rebel groups last month.

Check out our complete coverage of the crisis in Iraq


The Iraqi army units stationed in the city, most of whom were Shia, fled after the group crossed from Syria and attacked the north of Iraq.


Before the attack, Mosul's Christian community was estimated at 3,000. Many are believed to have already fled the city as part of an exodus of up to one-third of the population. Those who fled reported that churches and Christian-owned shops in the city were smashed.

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This is Tony Blair and George Ws legacy to the world.





The Islamic State group has threatened Christians in the Iraqi city of Mosul with death if they do not convert to Islam or pay a tax, Al Jazeera has learned.


The Sunni rebel group issued the orders in a letter after Friday prayers. The document, obtained by Al Jazeera, states that the order was issued after Christian leaders failed to attend a meeting called by the group.


In response, the group says in the letter that Christians must either convert to Islam, pay a tax on non-Muslims known as jiziya, or give up their posessions and leave the city. Failure to do so would result in a death penalty, "as a last resort".


Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, was overrun by the Islamic State group and allied rebel groups last month.

Check out our complete coverage of the crisis in Iraq


The Iraqi army units stationed in the city, most of whom were Shia, fled after the group crossed from Syria and attacked the north of Iraq.


Before the attack, Mosul's Christian community was estimated at 3,000. Many are believed to have already fled the city as part of an exodus of up to one-third of the population. Those who fled reported that churches and Christian-owned shops in the city were smashed.

One day people may,especially in this country,realise that far from being the religion of peace it is a religion based on brainwashing and terror the so called minority extremists are in fact the majority in muslim ruled countries i.e the core of Islam

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This is Tony Blair and George Ws legacy to the world.





The Islamic State group has threatened Christians in the Iraqi city of Mosul with death if they do not convert to Islam or pay a tax, Al Jazeera has learned.


The Sunni rebel group issued the orders in a letter after Friday prayers. The document, obtained by Al Jazeera, states that the order was issued after Christian leaders failed to attend a meeting called by the group.


In response, the group says in the letter that Christians must either convert to Islam, pay a tax on non-Muslims known as jiziya, or give up their posessions and leave the city. Failure to do so would result in a death penalty, "as a last resort".


Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, was overrun by the Islamic State group and allied rebel groups last month.

Check out our complete coverage of the crisis in Iraq


The Iraqi army units stationed in the city, most of whom were Shia, fled after the group crossed from Syria and attacked the north of Iraq.


Before the attack, Mosul's Christian community was estimated at 3,000. Many are believed to have already fled the city as part of an exodus of up to one-third of the population. Those who fled reported that churches and Christian-owned shops in the city were smashed.

Why do i feel that this will be ignored, defended and basically played down by some people? These same people may instead direct their vitriol on people (like me) who find this whole type of behaviour barbaric and stone age?

Can someone please tell me why now in the 21st century these convert or die orders are being tolerated? Tolerated not only by muslims around the world but by governments around the world who refuse to do something about it?

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What is the logic (religiously) of an imposed tax? Is a belief now taxable?


It's crazy isn't. I've often heard people say that without religion you can justify anything. Always seems to be the other way around to me.

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What is the logic (religiously) of an imposed tax? Is a belief now taxable?


Islam isn't just a religion, its a religious political and cultural system all rolled into one and it allows for the taxation of non Muslims in return for them being allowed to live in Islamic societies. Non Muslims then have to follow different rules but are allowed to practice their faith. The closet modern day system I can think of is a protection racket, pay your tax and we will protect you, don't and we will cause you some misery.

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"There is no compulsion in religion" (the Qur'an, chapter 2 verse 256)


sSo, if they are doing this, as alleged, (hopefully this is just more anti-Islam propaganda) then they are going directly against the teachings of the scriptures.


to add:-


A famous letter sent by 36 Islamic scholars to Pope Benedict XVI addressed this verse:


"this verse is acknowledged to belong to the period of Quranic revelation corresponding to the political and military ascendance of the young Muslim community. ‘There is no compulsion in religion’ was not a command to Muslims to remain steadfast in the face of the desire of their oppressors to force them to renounce their faith, but was a reminder to Muslims themselves, once they had attained power, that they could not force another's heart to believe.There is no compulsion in religion addresses those in a position of strength, not weakness. The earliest commentaries on the Qur'an (such as that of Al-Tabari) make it clear that some Muslims of Medina wanted to force their children to convert from Judaism or Christianity to Islam, and this verse was precisely an answer to them not to try to force their children to convert to Islam

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"There is no compulsion in religion" (the Qur'an, chapter 2 verse 256)


sSo, if they are doing this, as alleged, (hopefully this is just more anti-Islam propaganda) then they are going directly against the teachings of the scriptures.



There isn't any compulsion in the Mosul, they are being given a choice, pay tax (A dhimmī is a historical term referring to non-Muslim citizens of an Islamic state. Dhimma allows rights of residence in return for jizyah - tax collected from non-Muslims.


convert or die.

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