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Tunnels under Sheffield

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Has anyone ever been in the tunnels under the city centre? And does anyone have access into the tunnels making it possible for myself and others to walk around them sometime :wink: ?



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They are part of the manor castle, I think. They link the castle to the Queens Head Pub. (Mary Queen of Scots and all that, she was imprisoned there for a few years)


There is a society for the castle maybe they can help you. Let me know as I may be interested in taking a look

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According to some books on Sheffield there is/are loads more than one tunnel system. For work I'm particularly interested in the one that ran from the castle to Manor Lodge, and am looking for any info - and definitely any chance to have an explore :!::D

Friends who have worked at Fargate and the Moor have reported tunnels linking shops together - known but not widely known. Some of the churches are supposed to have them too.

There are also all the old graves.

I love the thought of all that history lurking under my feet when I'm in town.

I'd love the thought of having an explore even more. But I bet 'they' would say it was too much of a safety hazard to let people have a wander. Or maybe there are those who still use the tunnels for purposes nefarious and otherwise?


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I've heard rumours of tunnels leading from the Ponderosa under Crookes Valley Road to the park. Reputedly, they were used to store barrage balloons in WW1.


Anybody have any further knowledge of these?

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I do beleive there are still tunnels that run from the old sheffield castle up to the manor castle and tudor lodge, in the old days one could gain access to them on the fields where the manor park estate now stands.

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I've heard various rumours of tunnels, but never seen any actual proof that they exist. From Manor Lodge to Sheffield castle would be quite a feat of engineering if you think about the relative locations and distance. The Lodge quite high up and the castle on the banks of the Don about a mile or so away.


There are certainly plenty of mine tunnels under lots of Sheffield, it's a wonder most of the hills haven't collapsed!



The local studies library might have some info and most likely the Hunter Archaeological Society - but I'm not a member and don't know anyone to ask.



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Originally posted by "jimbol"


There are certainly plenty of mine tunnels under lots of Sheffield, it's a wonder most of the hills haven't collapsed!




When they knocked down the flats on Guildford Avenue and started to build the new school they found massive great holes that had to be filled in before they could start work on site. The mind boggles. How is it the flats never fell into them? Or did they just think that that wouldn't be too much of a loss :lol:

I found the irony of great holes that no-one had ever noticed before having to be filled before anything could go ahead just too much. :roll: Where did all the money for the school grounds and classroom equipment go? Into the bottomless pit of course. So many possible analogies and jokes, so little time...



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