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Iphone 6plus or s5 or note 3 when it comes


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Samsung phones are terrible, aren't they?


My Galaxy S3 is soooo slow! I haven't put that much stuff on it but it takes up to ten seconds from me pressing the Home button until I can compose a text message.


Hold Press down the Home button... screen goes black and wait a few seconds... press the Messaging button... screen goes black and wait a few more seconds... press the New Message icon... screen goes black and wait a few more seconds... now start typing


And this is on a quad-core S3 which was their flagship iPhone-beating mobile device just a couple of years ago!


My advice:


If you're rich, buy an iPhone.


If you're vain, buy an iPhone.


If you want the latest tech in a usable handset, buy an iPhone.


But if you're poor, or want to be an early adopter of the latest tech no matter how useless it is, or don't care about what badge your phone has, or are just very patient and can wait several seconds for something to happen, buy a Samsung.

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"If you want the latest tech....buy an iPhone"



Really!?!?!? So 7 year old styling coupled with with a processor design from 2009 and only 1gb of RAM, specs of which you'll find in BUDGET phones sub £150 in today's market.

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Samsung phones are terrible, aren't they?


My Galaxy S3 is soooo slow! I haven't put that much stuff on it but it takes up to ten seconds from me pressing the Home button until I can compose a text message.


Hold down the Home button... screen goes black and wait a few seconds... press the Messaging button... screen goes black and wait a few more seconds... press the New Message icon... screen goes black and wait a few more seconds... now start typing


And this is on a quad-core S3 which was their flagship iPhone-beating mobile device just a couple of years ago!


My advice:


If you're rich, buy an iPhone.


If you're vain, buy an iPhone.


If you want the latest tech in a usable handset, buy an iPhone.


But if you're poor, or want to be early adopter of the latest tech no matter how useless it is, or don't care about what badge your phone has, or are just very patient and can wait several seconds for something to happen, buy a Samsung.


Never had a problem with my S3, when was the last time you cleared the cache?

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Hold down the Home button... screen goes black and wait a few seconds... press the Messaging button... screen goes black and wait a few more seconds... press the New Message icon... screen goes black and wait a few more seconds... now start typing


And this is on a quad-core S3 which was their flagship iPhone-beating mobile device just a couple of years ago!


For a start, you don't hold the home button, that would bring up the task manager (Where you can close running background apps) - a single press would take you back to the first screen!


Press and hold home until you see the apps, then swipe them off the side(s) to close them - this is probably why your phone is slow, because of so many apps running (as is the usual case with iOS devices, people don't close running apps)

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"If you want the latest tech....buy an iPhone"



Really!?!?!? So 7 year old styling coupled with with a processor design from 2009 and only 1gb of RAM, specs of which you'll find in BUDGET phones sub £150 in today's market.


Naughty boy, cutting out the middle of that sentence and changed it's meaning entirely :nono:


I said:


"If you want the latest tech in a usable handset, buy an iPhone."


"But if [you] want to be an early adopter of the latest tech no matter how useless it is...buy a Samsung"


Samsung rush to be first into the market, with stupid things that sound great but don't always work, such as airwave gestures, (where you wave at the phone and it does your bidding) and automatically scrolling through a webpage by scanning which direction your eyes are looking.


Why? Why spend millions developing useless features that (a) don't work properly and that (b) nobody will ever use?


It's latest tech, but not usable in a real-world environment.


That motion/mute feature, where you turn the phone over to mute music playback is great when it works... 80% of the time :roll:


And the S-Voice competitor to Siri is dire. She sounds so robotic and is practically useless, compared to Siri who sounds and behaves like a butler should.


Never had a problem with my S3, when was the last time you cleared the cache?


You mean clear all running applications in memory? Very rarely, see below for the reason why...


For a start, you don't hold the home button, that would bring up the task manager (Where you can close running background apps) - a single press would take you back to the first screen!


Press and hold home until you see the apps, then swipe them off the side(s) to close them - this is probably why your phone is slow, because of so many apps running (as is the usual case with iOS devices, people don't close running apps)


Yes, you are correct, I press the Home button, I don't hold it down. I will go back and edit the original post!


I was actually told NOT to close running apps (by somebody who claims to know such things) because if you close them, the OS has to load them again into memory the next time you need them. Where as if you leave them running in the background, they're always in memory so should load instantaneously. . .

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I was actually told NOT to close running apps (by somebody who claims to know such things) because if you close them, the OS has to load them again into memory the next time you need them. Where as if you leave them running in the background, they're always in memory so should load instantaneously. . .


this is true for frequently used apps, but games, photo apps, and things with lots of images / info use a LOT of the memory, and can actually cause the phone to slow down...


I always close my apps after using them...

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this is true for frequently used apps, but games, photo apps, and things with lots of images / info use a LOT of the memory, and can actually cause the phone to slow down...


I always close my apps after using them...


So how should I close down an app after using it? I thought hitting the BACK button and returning to the Home screen was sufficient. Should I close them from the Task Manager instead?


Also, I have three (yes, three) weather applications on my home screen that like to update themselves when there's an internet connection available (I like to get a second and third opinion on whether to carry an umbrella or not...).


Is that another one of my sounds-sensible-in-theory-but-daft-in-practice ideas that could be causing the performance problems :huh:

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So how should I close down an app after using it? I thought hitting the BACK button and returning to the Home screen was sufficient. Should I close them from the Task Manager instead?


Also, I have three (yes, three) weather applications on my home screen that like to update themselves when there's an internet connection available (I like to get a second and third opinion on whether to carry an umbrella or not...).


Is that another one of my sounds-sensible-in-theory-but-daft-in-practice ideas that could be causing the performance problems :huh:


Yeah, apps that update info every X minutes can slow the phone down, the more you have, the slower it'll be..


Animated backgrounds on your home screen, lots of "updating" icons / apps / widgets can all slow it down..


yeah, press and hold the home button, you should get a list of apps, you can swipe them left or right to close them..


Go through, close them all, and see what happens....


There's LOTS of tweaks to speed up phones, and save battery etc, but you need to know which ones suit your phone usage habits :)

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