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Saturday morning abc cinema


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I remember going in the 70's and for some starnge reason can only remember one of the films. I think it was made by The Childrens Film Foundation and it was called Chico The Rain Maker. Story was something like this:


some boys keep the shrunken head of 'Chico', a kind of shamen, in their tree house. As far as I can remember they would get the head to make make it rain for them. Why I have no idea. The theme song went: "Chico Chico, rain maker (x3)/Chico paka wana wana maka the rain".


Oh the fun we had :gag:

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There was a song we all used to sing at the beginning - can hear the tune in my head ! We all shouted ABC at the end ! I remember taking all my birthday cards up on stage and getting a badge ! What was the little guy with the dickie bow called - Uncle ? ...

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I can remember going to the ABC in the mid sixties, can anyone remember Dave Berry turning up and giving us a rendition of 'Crying Game'? i can also used to go to the cinema on saturday morning up Upperthorpe, I think it was the Oxford. It was 6d downstairs and 9d up in the gallery. The only films I can remeber was one where all the actors were animals the star being a monkey and one set is Sheffield with the chase being around the steel works on Carlisle street.

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