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What would you do ? : unknown car across your drive at 7.00AM

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This is a serious question, I`m not just moaning about ignorant SOBs who park across people`s drives.


Your car is on your drive.

You go out early in the morning to get in your car to drive to work (or the airport ! ) and you need your car to get there and/or you need it when you get to work, but some git has parked right across your drive so there`s no way you can get out.

It`s an unknown car so you don`t know which house to "knock up".

It`s 7.00AM so your neighbours wouldn`t appreciate you knocking on their doors to ask whose car it is (hardly any even answered the door when I tried anyway).

We phoned the police, they said he could potentially get a ticket for obstruction and they could move the vehicle (but they still hadn`t turned up 45 min later....).


What would you do ?


PS Does anyone know how to set off a car`s alarm without damaging it ?

Edited by Justin Smith
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I would sound my horn and try to attract someones attention.


---------- Post added 02-03-2015 at 10:37 ----------


We phoned the police, they said he could potentially get a ticket for obstruction and they could move the vehicle (but they still hadn`t turned up 45 min later....).


What would you do ?


PS Does anyone know how to set off a car`s alarm without damaging it ?


Wouldnt you/they think it might be stolen and check where the owner lives?

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We've had this once (although people park over our drive ALL THE FRICKING TIME!). I heard a car arrive middle of the night, someone drunk shouting down a phone (but couldn't hear what they were shouting), following morning it turned out to be a Golf parked across our drive. We rang the police, luckily we normally have a car parked on the drive and the other on the road, so the missus took my car and I kept an eye out for whoever owned the car.


A young man showed up at 8.45, clearly still drunk. I asked him what he thought he was doing parking over the drive, he ignored me as well as he could, stumbled into the car and drove off. Of course at this point I had already passed all the details on to the police who picked him up from work, took a breath analysis and so on but couldn't prosecute, despite me having pictures of him being over the drive. He got off with a telling off I think. I hope they also told his boss.


It is really, really inconsiderate to park over drives and it happens too often. When we moved here people always said it would be hell on match-day (keep your car parked on the road!) but it never is, it is always to do with people going to local events, at the church, in the park, at the bowling green whatever. Really ****** me off and frequently it is the same people as well. (So if you drive a BMW X5, go to the Church by the Park to take little johnnie to Judo or whatever and you read this, next time you will find an unexplained brick through your window instead of the slew of notes that you politely, without reading I presume, throw onto the drive you are blocking.)




Pleased to get that of my chest really :)

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Legally I think you've done everything you can, you are abit stuck unfortunately.


If you can't get into work then your only other option is to sit around all day and give the inconsiderate sod a bloody good mouthful when they do return.



Can't you call the police and they'll get in a towtruck to shift it?


Yes, but given the probable response time they'd arrive sometime next week, seem almost surprised the offending car has left and be on their merry way :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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