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2015- July Budget

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It looks like the disabled are in the fireline again. I can not begin to comprehend how that is going to help anybody, lowering payments to the disabled is only going to result in a rise of demand on the NHS, police and fire services. Leaving severely autistic adults to fend for their own with a social worker popping in once a month is not going to save money.


I am pro-austerity, but when it touches upon those that can not say their own piece is a sign of poor government. Also, these proposals are made now, so that in five years people will have possibly forgotten about it.


I hate to say this, because we all know plenty of pensioners, but continuing to ring fence them at the expense of the disabled will not do. I know my recently deceased grandma would hate living here under these conditions: Ik kin altiit it dubbeltsje twa kear omdraaie, haw ik jierren lang dien. (I can always turn the penny twice, I grew up doing just that.)

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It looks like the disabled are in the fireline again. I can not begin to comprehend how that is going to help anybody, lowering payments to the disabled is only going to result in a rise of demand on the NHS, police and fire services. Leaving severely autistic adults to fend for their own with a social worker popping in once a month is not going to save money.


I am pro-austerity, but when it touches upon those that can not say their own piece is a sign of poor government. Also, these proposals are made now, so that in five years people will have possibly forgotten about it.


I hate to say this, because we all know plenty of pensioners, but continuing to ring fence them at the expense of the disabled will not do. I know my recently deceased grandma would hate living here under these conditions: Ik kin altiit it dubbeltsje twa kear omdraaie, haw ik jierren lang dien. (I can always turn the penny twice, I grew up doing just that.)


Pensioners are a sizable group who vote.

Disabled people are a small defenceless group who do not vote as much.


Now I wonder which group the Tories will pick on? Guess....

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Pensioners are a sizable group who vote.

Disabled people are a small defenceless group who do not vote as much.


Now I wonder which group the Tories will pick on? Guess....


Sadly that is exactly what causes this. One of democracy's terrible side-effects.

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They are not known yet and this isn't a great source, but somehow it seems entirely likely:




One person very close to me lives of this benefit, but has to pay part of her care from it as well. What do you think the likely outcome is going to be? Eat/drink/house cuts, or care cuts?

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They are not known yet and this isn't a great source, but somehow it seems entirely likely:




One person very close to me lives of this benefit, but has to pay part of her care from it as well. What do you think the likely outcome is going to be? Eat/drink/house cuts, or care cuts?


As I said until we have actual figures and what will be paid including all allowances it is hard to comment objectively.

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As I said until we have actual figures and what will be paid including all allowances it is hard to comment objectively.


Agreed, but this 30£ reduction in ESA has been going around for a few weeks now. I'd be stunned if it didn't make it.

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There has been a lot of talk about child poverty, but the definition of so-called poverty used by a lot of people is ludicrous. By those terms, my income would put us in "poverty", yet we have no debt, new laptop, new TV, two tablets, car, regular holidays, cupboard/fridge/freezer full of food and drink, new clothes, savings in the bank, new furniture, recently fitted new bathroom... When you look at the genuine poverty that's around, it is shocking, but the definition of the "threshold" clearly needs changing!

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