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Gets Right Up My Nose !

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Returning home tonight ( 4th Dec 2015 ) at 4-30pm after a food shopping trip with my wife to Sainsbury's on Archer Road, travelling in the direction of Abbeydale Road.........


Numerous cars with no lights on, faulty front / faulty rear lights, spotlamps on, full headlamps.


Once upon a time, it was an offence to drive a vehicle with faulty lights, as was driving a vehicle with spotlamps on when not needed - what's happened to the police in pulling these people up and issuing a fine ?


Then there the drivers who drive with full headlamps on......totally inconsiderate and oblivious of other drivers on the road whom they dazzle.


These people should read the Highway Code and go on a driver awareness course....better still get them off the road altogether - they get right up my nose !

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All of the above and, what i get on a regular bases is, drivers parked on the wrong side of the road pointing down hill with headlight on , flash them and they flash you back.


yes if the police are reading this, they want nicking.

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Cyclists with no lights. Cyclists with those insanely bright flashing head lights

Cars with them DIY HID kits that are just way to bright. Cars and Vans with no working break lights. Cars and vans who use their rear fogs when there is no need.

I spend time before my journey checking all my lights but then i take pride in my car and i consider other road users.

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