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Why isn't this classed as a terrorist attack?

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A man plants a bomb in a Preston shopping centre and the police and media don't class it as a terrorist attack yet if the device had gone off it would have caused terror/injury= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/preston-fishergate-shopping-centre-bomb-commentators-claim-attempt-to-detonate-device-should-be-a6777976.html

If this had been a Muslm looking suspect the media would have been screaming " Muslim terrorist attack ".

The police say the wanted man wanted to cause serious injury....

Meanwhile the vilification of Muslims carrys on= http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/video-news/video-muslim-schoolgirl-branded-a-terrorist-after-paris-attacks-speaks-out-against-islamophobia-34298716.html

Please be careful while out Christmas shopping, it's not only the Muslim looking people you need to be wary of it........

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Detective Chief Inspector Jill Johnston, from Preston Police, said: “We are treating this as a criminal investigation and while the motivation for this incident remains unclear at this stage, we believe this device has been left there deliberately and did have the potential to cause serious injury if it had exploded "


It was a terrorist attack and should be treated as one . I agree with the OP's sentiments .

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A man plants a bomb in a Preston shopping centre and the police and media don't class it as a terrorist attack yet if the device had gone off it would have caused terror/injury= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/preston-fishergate-shopping-centre-bomb-commentators-claim-attempt-to-detonate-device-should-be-a6777976.html

If this had been a Muslm looking suspect the media would have been screaming " Muslim terrorist attack ".

The police say the wanted man wanted to cause serious injury....

Meanwhile the vilification of Muslims carrys on= http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/video-news/video-muslim-schoolgirl-branded-a-terrorist-after-paris-attacks-speaks-out-against-islamophobia-34298716.html

Please be careful while out Christmas shopping, it's not only the Muslim looking people you need to be wary of it........



How do you know the Preston chap wasn't a Muslim? Perhaps he had disguised himself as not muslim looking.

Edited by foxy lady
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A man plants a bomb in a Preston shopping centre and the police and media don't class it as a terrorist attack yet if the device had gone off it would have caused terror/injury= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/preston-fishergate-shopping-centre-bomb-commentators-claim-attempt-to-detonate-device-should-be-a6777976.html

If this had been a Muslm looking suspect the media would have been screaming " Muslim terrorist attack ".

The police say the wanted man wanted to cause serious injury....

Meanwhile the vilification of Muslims carrys on= http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/video-news/video-muslim-schoolgirl-branded-a-terrorist-after-paris-attacks-speaks-out-against-islamophobia-34298716.html

Please be careful while out Christmas shopping, it's not only the Muslim looking people you need to be wary of it........



The police will charge on something they feel is appropriate for the evidence they have available. This enables them to hold and question a suspect whilst further investigations are made.


Lancashire Constabulary said the “crude incendiary device” ignited in the men’s toilets at the Fishergate Shopping Centre on Thursday morning but did not injure anyone.


The improvised package, reportedly made using an asthma inhaler, firelighter, matches and toilet paper, was found by a shopper who put out the flames and is currently being analysed.

Read more

Shopping centre evacuated after ‘suspicious’ device ‘went off' in bin


Police released CCTV footage of a man they wanted to speak to, which shows him walking up an escalator at the nearby St George’s Shopping Centre around 40 minutes before the fire started, carrying a plastic bag.A 27-year-old man from Preston was arrested today at an address in the city. He is being held on suspicion of commiting arson with intent to endanger life, Lancashire Police said.


So a firelighter and an asthma inhaler in some toilets hardl;y sounds like the worlds most danegerous bomb or terror device, unless it was a very big firelighter.


The police will make their investigations, but the CPS will decide and advise on what the final charges will be. It may be they charge him with additional offences if they discover further evidence.


The definition of terrorism as included in the 2000 Terrorism Act defines it as



Section 1. –


(1) In this Act "terrorism" means the use or threat of action where-


(b) the use or threat is designed to influence the government [or an international governmental organisation][3] or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and

© the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious[, racial][4] or ideological cause.



So perhaps they arent yet convinced of the above. they cna still charge him with it if they find evidence to support this.



This event only happened yesterday evening. 17th Dec 2015. The police and CPS are obliged to contact the Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division, who then look into the appropriate charges as well as any terrorist links.

Edited by 999tigger
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A man plants a bomb in a Preston shopping centre and the police and media don't class it as a terrorist attack yet if the device had gone off it would have caused terror/injury= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/preston-fishergate-shopping-centre-bomb-commentators-claim-attempt-to-detonate-device-should-be-a6777976.html

If this had been a Muslm looking suspect the media would have been screaming " Muslim terrorist attack ".

The police say the wanted man wanted to cause serious injury....

Meanwhile the vilification of Muslims carrys on= http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/video-news/video-muslim-schoolgirl-branded-a-terrorist-after-paris-attacks-speaks-out-against-islamophobia-34298716.html

Please be careful while out Christmas shopping, it's not only the Muslim looking people you need to be wary of it........


Probably because it doesn't apear to be a terrorist attack and whilst I sympathise with the girl she is very naive.

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A man plants a bomb in a Preston shopping centre and the police and media don't class it as a terrorist attack yet if the device had gone off it would have caused terror/injury= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/preston-fishergate-shopping-centre-bomb-commentators-claim-attempt-to-detonate-device-should-be-a6777976.html

If this had been a Muslm looking suspect the media would have been screaming " Muslim terrorist attack ".

The police say the wanted man wanted to cause serious injury....

Meanwhile the vilification of Muslims carrys on= http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/video-news/video-muslim-schoolgirl-branded-a-terrorist-after-paris-attacks-speaks-out-against-islamophobia-34298716.html

Please be careful while out Christmas shopping, it's not only the Muslim looking people you need to be wary of it........


I would say that, just like the recent attack in California, it won't be referred to as a terrorist attack unless/until it's been confirmed as a terrorist attack.


Do you know what constitutes a terrorist attack?

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