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Anti deportation activists charged with terrorist offences. Dangerous?

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Have a read of this - https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/uk-mass-deportation-protesters-charged-terrorism-offences-chelmsford-court-dangerous-precedent-a8257211.html


As per the link, protestors against secretive, legally dubious, mass deportation flights are being charged with terrorist offences, facing possible life sentences.

This looks and smells like an abuse of power by the state to me.

What do you think?

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I would have said yes, but then I read the article and saw:


Blocking the take-off of a plane deporting people from Britain against their will.


Being caught on an airport or docks without good reason and permission is instant terrorist related arrest. I've known plenty of urbexers have that charge thrown at them in the past.


The author is The Green Party's Caroline Lucas, which says it all about her ignornance:


Those involved are facing trumped up charges from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), using the threat of life in prison under the Aviation and Maritime Security Act. This law, which was designed to protect strategic sites such as ports and airports, has never before been targeted at activists. Indeed the only record to my knowledge of it being used concerns a helicopter pilot who had flown too close to a control tower in the context of a dispute with an airport’s owner.


If she Googled she'd find plenty of documentation and stories relating to it.

Edited by alchresearch
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I would have said yes, but then I read the article and saw:




Being caught on an airport or docks without good reason and permission is instant terrorist related arrest. I've known plenty of urbexers have that charge thrown at them in the past.


The author is The Green Party's Caroline Lucas, which says it all about her ignornance:




If she Googled she'd find plenty of documentation and stories relating to it.


yeah wasnt some plane spotters once arrested and charged with being spies or something?

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I think this has been a long time coming. It's like the pieces in a chess game being put into place to curtail our freedoms under the charge of 'Terrorism.' We now have secret courts, dubious wars being fought in our name, and dodgy alliances that we know little about. Object, or even try to investigate, and get arrested by the state for your trouble. Some people will think this an exageration, but freedom gets eroded chip by chip, until it reaches a tipping point, then suddenly it's too late and the whole thing collapses.


We have a country which was once upstanding and a pillar of Freedom, there was much talk of 'open government' and 'transparency' but this seems to be being eroded. We, the 'little people,' and our opinions seem to matter less and less. Freedom is pecious, our right to protest is precious, we have to protect them.

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I think this has been a long time coming. It's like the pieces in a chess game being put into place to curtail our freedoms under the charge of 'Terrorism.' We now have secret courts, dubious wars being fought in our name, and dodgy alliances that we know little about. Object, or even try to investigate, and get arrested by the state for your trouble. Some people will think this an exageration, but freedom gets eroded chip by chip, until it reaches a tipping point, then suddenly it's too late and the whole thing collapses.


We have a country which was once upstanding and a pillar of Freedom, there was much talk of 'open government' and 'transparency' but this seems to be being eroded. We, the 'little people,' and our opinions seem to matter less and less. Freedom is pecious, our right to protest is precious, we have to protect them.

There is nothing new here, The Maze ( Long Kesh) comes readily to mind.

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Some people will think this an exageration, but freedom gets eroded chip by chip, until it reaches a tipping point, then suddenly it's too late and the whole thing collapses.


So you think we should be free to roam and trespass on live docks and airports and get away with a rap on the knuckles?

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So you think we should be free to roam and trespass on live docks and airports and get away with a rap on the knuckles?


No, but charging people with terror offences that carry a maximum sentence of life imprisonment is grossly disproportionate.

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