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Taking care when using smart technology.

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Look after your health and follow the advice given here.



Here is an extract from a pdf:

"a group of the world’s top scientists simultaneously came to a similar explanation and conclusion called the Potenza Piceno Resolution during a conference in Italy.

The resolution underscores Trower’s warnings with scientists issuing the following conclusions:


• stricter safety standards for EMF needs to be adopted by governments and

public health agencies because the existing ones are obsolete and they are

not based on recent literature about biological effects.


• RF sources should be reduced as low as possible because at now it is not

possible to establish a safe limit under which no biological effects can be



• RF sources should be kept far from residential areas. For pulsed RF

sources, such radars and Wi-Max antennas, the distance from the EMF

source should be even greater because they cause more biologically effects

than non pulsed signals.


• Wi-Fi should not be placed in schools and in public areas since they have

characteristics of pulsed signals.


Five days after Trower gave his testimony to the audience in Dublin, the Federal Communications Commission in the United States waived objections to the use of Tetra in the United States.

Yet another young man, age 23, died in his bed of a heart attack in Ireland. The only country in the world that is monitoring the emergence of a “new” disease, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).

It was less than a month after the Sepura company in the U.K. announced plans to deploy Tetra for the first time in North America in Washington State."

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Barrie Trower is a lying toerag that would make walter Mitty blush. He's claim to be a government scientist for years but no on working in that field has ever seen his work nor has he proved that he worked and did what he said.

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Five days after Trower gave his testimony to the audience in Dublin, the Federal Communications Commission in the United States waived objections to the use of Tetra in the United States.

Yet another young man, age 23, died in his bed of a heart attack in Ireland. The only country in the world that is monitoring the emergence of a “new” disease, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).

It was less than a month after the Sepura company in the U.K. announced plans to deploy Tetra for the first time in North America in Washington State."


From the above, am at a complete loss as to what connects the death of the young man in Ireland to Tetra in the USA.


Did you copy and paste this gibberish from some conspiracy website?

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From the above, am at a complete loss as to what connects the death of the young man in Ireland to Tetra in the USA.


Did you copy and paste this gibberish from some conspiracy website?

Most likely from the 'post hoc, propter hoc' [= 'after something and therefore because of it'] one.

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The reason why I included the Barry Tower extract from the pdf on stop the crime. net is it was issued in 2013. To put it in context with Jeromy Johnson's video. I now have my phone only on 2G/3G, turn the wireless router off at night and computers out of range of router on powerline adapters. I have personally noticed better wellbeing as a result.


[This post made from phone on 2G/3G - and no detriment on watching Video content]

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So you've set up a placebo then.....


If you've turned off 4G which is what I think you are implying, then since 4G in the UK occupies the same frequencies as 2G/3G your wellbeing is entirely going to be a placebo effect....


Not sure what you mean about the powerline adaptors either.

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The reason why I included the Barry Tower extract from the pdf on stop the crime. net is it was issued in 2013.


Stop the crime net is a dreadfully designed conspiracy theory website.




Now any explanation about the link between Tetra in the USA and the death of that young man in Ireland per the OP?


---------- Post added 12-06-2018 at 11:59 ----------


Barrie Trower is a lying toerag that would make walter Mitty blush. He's claim to be a government scientist for years but no on working in that field has ever seen his work nor has he proved that he worked and did what he said.


Yes - complete fruitloop by the look of it - one of his "papers" on Stop the Crime Net" claims 11 children died after Wifi was put in their classroom. Really?


He also goes on about HAARP being used as a weapon.

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