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Rise in Pauper's funerals

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The number of Pauper's funerals have risen 70% in 3 years, with many families unable to afford even the most basic costs. The cost of a basic funeral is around £4,000


This is costing councils £4.5 million of taxpayer's money.


Further evidence that people are getting poorer? Any thoughts?

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The number of Pauper's funerals have risen 70% in 3 years, with many families unable to afford even the most basic costs. The cost of a basic funeral is around £4,000


This is costing councils £4.5 million of taxpayer's money.


Further evidence that people are getting poorer? Any thoughts?


Maybe. Maybe not.




"Researchers found evidence that a small but growing number of families are turning to taxpayers to meet all the costs of burying or cremating loved-ones as the “stigma” of being unable or unwilling to contribute disappears."


The economic data doesn't indicate that the poorest are getting poorer. Indeed it is quite the opposite.

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I think that people don't have the slightest idea how much a funeral costs.

I would advise everyone to pay into a funeral plan to spread the cost. It really doesn't cost much every month.

I know that most people don't want to think about dying but if you die without a proverbial pot to urinate in then it's your loved ones who have to pick up the bill.

Edited by Daven
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I would advise everyone to pay into a funeral plan to spread the cost. It really doesn't cost much every month.


That is absolutely the worst thing to do.





The best thing in my opinion is not to have one and have a direct cremation which cuts out the rip-off funeral merchants and only cost around £1,000 to £1,500.




This is what I have stipulated in my will otherwise any money I have goes to the PDSA and not family.

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I know of 3 funerals in the last few months.


None prepaid. All 3 went to the same bloke and paid around £2500 but the funeral grant is only £800. It's £700 for the city road crem alone.


So £1800 on a payment plan.

We will be having whip rounds to help before long.

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What exactly is a pauper's funeral? Of course, I know what pauper means, but what is the due process and means test of such a sorry state of affairs, meaning no disrespect to any poor people, by any means. This very statement, "paupers funeral" just sounds so Dickensian. 'Are there no prisons, are there no workhouses?"

Edited by Ontarian1981
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What exactly is a pauper's funeral? Of course, I know what pauper means, but what is the due process and means test of such a sorry state of affairs, meaning no disrespect to any poor people, by any means. This very statement, "paupers funeral" just sounds so Dickensian. 'Are there no prisons, are there no workhouses?"


Pauper now means some one who is skint ,half the population I should think. My old Ma used to say that "they never left any one on the top yet":hihi:

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What exactly is a pauper's funeral? Of course, I know what pauper means, but what is the due process and means test of such a sorry state of affairs, meaning no disrespect to any poor people, by any means. This very statement, "paupers funeral" just sounds so Dickensian. 'Are there no prisons, are there no workhouses?"


I know what you mean. They vary from local authority to local authority. Some don't allow any mourners at all, so I'm told, and there is no service. They deal with the necessary paper work then the body is simply cremated with no fanfare (although simple dignities are observed.)


Depends on the authority. But yes it does sound very Dickensian. But some people simply don't have the means to pay.

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