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Jamal Khashoggi - Canada v Saudi Arabia - UK & US invisible.

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Just wondering whether or not May and Trump will join Canada in standing up to Saudi Arabia in light of the probable torture and assassination of the Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. Aside from Amnesty International and other human rights organisations, Canada has stood pretty much alone against this autocratic, reactionary Prince. Surely the other western countries must take action now after the Prince's main critic looks to have been permanently silenced'

Just curious as to the mood of the UK public in this matter. I must admit when this thing with Canada happened, I was thinking why don't Canada mind their own business, but as things turned out I am now glad they said something. This Saudi Prince needs to be taught a lesson, in my opinion.

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Both US and UK pulled out of a summit,


Jamal Khashoggi case: Mnuchin and Fox quit Saudi summit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-45904904


Which considering they put upwards of £3bn in arms sales our way, is probably the best we can do.


Yes, I am glad to hear that the west is showing a united front against this SA regime. I realise I am a little premature with my post, but I got sick of hearing about the Saudis breaking all ties with Canada over a tweet and yet no one stood with Canada on this matter until the Khashoggi incident.


---------- Post added 19-10-2018 at 19:45 ----------


Saudi tv are saying Khashoggi died in a fist fight= https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-45923217


If the Turkish accounts are true the poor guy wouldn't have had any fists to fight with. One report said he was dismembered while still alive.

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Saudi tv are saying Khashoggi died in a fist fight= https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-45923217


Died in a fist fight, about as believable as a sight seeing tour of Salisbury.


Interesting what Trump said, essentially they're important allies so it's not politically expedient to be critical of them, we'll just agree with whatever BS cover story they make up.

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President Trump has been honest. Saudi Arabia spend a lot of money. If America and the UK didn't sell Saudi Arabia arms then Russia and China would.


Does that make it right?


Saudi Arabia also supply most of the West with oil. Does that mean they should be able to get away with murder?

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