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Grr someone is trying to hack my 'puter!


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Grr! :rant:


As if I'm not in enough of a foul mood already! :rant:


Some fool is trying to hack into my computer! Luckily Zone Alarm is blocking the attempts, but there's been 2 in the last half hour!

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I get a couple of attempts every day bouncing off the firewall here - if you have a fixed IP it's almost inevitable that you'll get some attention from the Far East. Most of the attempts on my network have originated from China or Korea.


Just make sure stuff's nailed down in terms of ports, keep your AV and anti-spyware up to date and make sure your firewall stays on.


On the whole a lot of these attacks are automated from people looking for PCs to add to botnets.

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tbh rich, the majority of warnings on firewalls are general internet chatter, not hackers trying to pop a cap in yo ass


What he said - it's 99.99999999999% likely to be nothing. You have Zone Alarm so why are you even worried?


Unless your real name is David Lightman, your PC is hooked up to a WOPR computer in Cheyenne Mountain and you're worried about setting off WW3 with some rogue nukes............

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I used to have hundreds of attempts an hour on the ZoneAlarm on my desktop before I installed my router; now I have none whatsoever. As melthebell says, it's mostly Internet 'noise' and random port scans and not someone specifically targeting you.



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