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Single gents! How to break the ice with a lady!

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It’s come to my attention that there are several single and somewhat shy males on this forum who have difficulty approaching young ladies in social situations. I thought therefore it might be nice to try this little strategy with them – it’s guaranteed to break the ice!



1. Go up to the young lady of your choice and say “I bet you 10p I can tell your fortune just by touching your breasts”

2. Intrigued, the young lady will consent. At which point, put your hands up her top and have a good fondle.

3. When finished, hand the lady 10p and admit that you can’t tell fortunes.



Hope that helps!

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Show her your new watch, which has the ability to make observations about nearby people. Mention, by way of example, that your watch is telling you she has no knickers on.


When she vehemently denies the fact, say "Ah, I know what the problem is. It's an hour fast."

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