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Anyone from Hyde Park Flats?


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I was on Ropery. Must admit it was a good place to grow up although it had turned nasty by the time I moved off. The number of times I almost got my head caved in by an ice-pop being flung over the wall by a caring parent to cool down their red faced offspring is unbelievable! Add to that the 10p wrapped in kitchen-roll to go and get a jubilee from Rosita.... I don't know how I lived to tell the tale! : )

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I was on Ropery. Must admit it was a good place to grow up although it had turned nasty by the time I moved off. The number of times I almost got my head caved in by an ice-pop being flung over the wall by a caring parent to cool down their red faced offspring is unbelievable! Add to that the 10p wrapped in kitchen-roll to go and get a jubilee from Rosita.... I don't know how I lived to tell the tale! : )


We lived on Ropery for a couple of years and moved away when they were emptied also (no13). I have also posted on your 'Remember Hurlfield' thread. I must know you!



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I lived at No. 81 - I was 2 when we moved on there and just 20 when I moved off. A lot of my family lived on the flats too - my uncle, aunt and cousin lived on Chequers, my nan and grandad lived on High Pavement and another aunt and uncle lived on Hyde Park Terrace. Also, my dad and my grandad had connections with Park Gardeners Club (the old one, under the flats) for years. When I got married in April '88 the service was at St. Johns Church and the reception was in the concert room of the Park Gardeners! Proves it's not what you know but who you know ;)

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Hi, caronlel,


Welcome to the forum.


There are absolute shedloads of us on here who are "ex-Hyde Parkers", I'm one of them...


There are loads of threads where HPF (And PHF- Park Hill Flats And Kelvin, too!) is mentioned, and loads of threads specific to HPF, eg this one:-




and this one




and this one



lots of fascinating stories, and reminiscences.

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my mates lived on hyde park but i lived on manor oaks road . i used to go away with park gardeners club my mums mates husband was on the committee , happy days . bottle of pop bag o crisp and a little packet with your spends in . :hihi:

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When we were all been moved off Hyde Park for the Student Games I moved on to Manor Oaks Road - 181, near the Post Office. Stayed on there for 8 years so my daughter ended up going to St. Johns School just as I had and I was amazed to find at least 2 of my old teachers were still there! :o

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