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Ultimate singles thread - Part III

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As the other one is a bit of a monster and no doubt out of date, I thought it would be useful to start a fresh thread on the old format.


The usual gubbins and any useful info. Also, might be worth keeping the idle chit chat down to a minimum so that it doesn't take an eternity to view the genuine posts on here.


So, over to you.....

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ok. so, once more, with feeling, ready chorus? from the top.....


38 years old ( though I feel the same as I did at 25)

6'5" tall and comfortably upholstered ( I cuddle good)

interested in making and enjoying music, making and enjoying food, drinking sensible amounts of alcohol with the occasional binge thrown in, reading as many books as I can before I go all decrepit and knackered and my eyes dont work, making myself and others laugh, and feel happy, making someone feel really really special, and letting them do the same for me.


5 words to describe me:







bring it on :D

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Ok, third thread, third chance to try and sell myself!!


Age: 23

Interests: Music, Cinema, Travelling, Food, Nights in, Nights out.....etc etc!

5 words to describe yourself: Different, Friendly, Loyal, err.....slightly crazy!

What I'm Looking for: To meet nice, friendly, interesting people. Who knows, yeah it'd be nice to meet someone special, but it's not easy finding right person.


So yeah, I'll talk to most people, so send me a message if you like :)

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All-American Girl Seeks English Bloke


Age: 44,

Interests: Writing, food/cooking, nature (hiking, canoeing, swimming, fishing,gardening, wildlife spotting), antiques, dogs, theater, movies, literature, history, clogging/bluegrass music, other music, festivals, watching sports and anything else fascinating I might stumble onto.

5 words to describe me: Whimsical, tender-hearted, inquisitive, witty, open-minded

What I'm Looking for: Friendship maybe more with an English guy who has frequent flyer miles, a guest room or a good imagination.

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Well, it's been a while so I'll update :hihi:


27 (as of Wednesday), male, non smoking, artsy designer type (self employed so noone will ever want me for my money!).


Five words? Um... tall, chunky, blue eyes, glasses... (that's four - always leave them wanting more!).


Interests? Tbh most of my time is taken up with work because, well, there's not much else to fill it!


What I'm looking for? Someone who appreciates design, photography, the fact I'm a little eccentric at times and someone who shares my taste in music (random) and entertainment (very random!).

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Go on then:-




Single parent, 2 kids, full time job etc

Me:- All kinds of things, don't get out much because of the kids, laid back, but doesn't take fools/morons lightly


Looking for:- Someone nice, who can cope with the fact I'm very independant and a bit stubborn, but generally a nice bird all round apparently.

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Female 27yrs


i'm single, independant, outgoing and friendly.

Like spending time with friends (smileyfem), days out or nights in.


Looking for a decent guy who is friendly and down to earth.


5 words to describe me:- friendly, bubbly, happy, honest and reliable

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Shameless relisting but here goes!


Age: 37

Gender: Male

Interests: Elegant decadence; The strange and beautiful; Thoughtful naughtiness; Exoticism; Feistiness; Glam tomboys, geek-girls, sexy nerds and pole dancing librarians; People with a soul; Sensuality; Quirkiness; Smiles; Films with plots and characters; Dark chocolate; Red wine; Italian coffee; Gentle teasing; Pillow fights; People watching; Wild romantic landscapes; Cooking for dinner companions; Giving a backrub; Photography; Personal style; Bogart movies; Black and white Mrs Peel Avengers episodes; Bouts of exercise; Discovering something new and unnusual; Martial arts; Books; Philosophy, Metaphysics, New Physics, Bio-mimetics and nanotechnology, Spooning; Sunday mornings in bed; Curling up on the sofa in front of a good film when its cold outside; A dark side; Technology; A little bit of kinkiness; Geishas; Kilts; Surreal humour; Inspired strangeness and Unashamed cheese!

5 words to describe yourself: Intelligent, educated, erudite, gorgeous and modest!

What I'm Looking for: Someone who appeals to the eye, challenges the mind, fires the soul and excites the libido!


Oh and at the risk of going on even more you can facebook me here :D

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