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RIP Norman Bardwell


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I was sorry to see in the Sheffield Telegraph that Mr Bardwell has died.

It's interesting to read how he started his shop.

He was the original recycler, stripping down government surplus and selling the parts.

For those of us interested in radio and electronic gadgets his shop has always been part of our lives, from crystal set days.

Long may it continue.

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Oh pooh.


I've spent many hours ferretting around in his drawers, so to say.


More and more of these places are going and being replaced by the consumer deserts like Maplins.


RIP, Mr B.


I didn't hear anything about the shop closing any time soon - long may it continue!

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I didn't hear anything about the shop closing any time soon - long may it continue!


I second that! I love places like this. There's a brilliant one under teh arches at Leeds station - when you can find it open. :)


Last time I was in they had Vickers Medium Machine Gun on a tripod in teh middle of teh shop. It wasn't for sale, however. :)

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